BUY BC BUSINESSES Business Buyer's Guide Vancouver Island Coastal Region Fall 2015 | Page 26
Restaurant Powell River $150,000
Lease #111775 Powell River
Deep Water shellfish lease
#108781 Powell River $325,000
SIDE Well known and established
business at Willingdon Beach. Popular
tourist destination and location for
many festivals and events all summer long. Right beside the beach,
playground, and camp ground, biking
and hiking trails, and the museum.
Excellent business opportunity with
great cash flow.
OKEOVER INLET South East Corner.
lease #111775 File # 2405491, 1.2
hectares, including approximately 1/2
hectare of bech plus deep water. Excellent access via Southview Road. Water
access about 1/2 mile from Okeover
harbour. includes 20x40 Steel Raft with
anchors. Approx $60,000 clam & oyster stock, 1/2 million 1/4-1/2 oysters
and 1/2 million 1-inch oyster. other
equipment and leases also available.
TREVENEN BAY 1.26 hectares,
Deep Water shellfish lease#108781
file#2407755. Water Access. Licensed
for clams and oysters. Includes Flupsy
Wheel with approximately 30x60’
nursery (Floating Upwelling System)
(needs some repair). May include
the beach at the head of Trevenen
bay (Pending ammendment to Lease
#0195337). Additional boats, rafts and
equipment optional.
Aaron Mazurek PREC, Neil Frost
Coast Realty Group Ltd.
T. 604.414.8699
Aaron Mazurek, Coast Realty Group
Ltd. Powell River BC
V8A 3B6 T. 604.414.8699
Aaron Mazurek, Coast Realty Group
Ltd. Powell River BC
V8A 3B6 T. 604.414.8699
Deep water license
Powell River $390,000
Grocery Powell River $1,200,000
6.32 Hectare Beach Lease
Powell River $1,200,000
HILLINGDON POINT License#236638,
File No 2402464 Deep water license.
4.2 Hectare lease was 14.4 hectares
and has potential to expand again.
Licensed for clams, oysters, and mussels. Includes 14 raft system, 4 long
lines @ 600 m, and approximately
$40,000 oyster stock, some clams and
well seeded. Water assess about a
mile from Okeover Harbour. Additional
equipment is available.
Full Service Independent Grocery
Store - First time for sale to the public!
Known as ‘Your Hometown Grocery
Store’, this family business has been
operating since 1946. Well known for
their full service meat & deli counter,
bakery, produce and excellent service,
Mitchell Brothers Merchants has
established a loyal clientele throughout Powell River and beyond to Savary
and Hernando Islands.
- 6.32 Hectare Beach Lease #0195337.
Licence #111520. Road and water
access, less than a mile from Okeover
Harbour. Licensed