BUY BC BUSINESSES Business Buyer's Guide Vancouver Island Coastal Region Fall 2015 | Page 21
Retail Business Victoria $158,000
Fast Food Restaurant Langford
High end, well established shop in an
upscale neighbourhood of Victoria, BC.
With upstanding community reputation and longstanding customer base,
this business is known for exceptional
quality and customer service. Gross
sales have increased annually since
2008 when established as a limited
company. Strong financial gains over
the duration, but owners now of
retirement age.
Great opportunity to own a fast food
restaurant in a fast growing area. It is
located in a busy Mall. Easy operation
and good income. Perfect for Mom &
Pap with some part-time help. Rent
is affordable and good lease in place.
Don’t approach staff. Call for more
PNP qualified Salon. It is very well
established and modern Hair salon.
Excellent location and room to grow.
Call or touchbase to get a package.
Claire Yoo, Pemberton Holmes
Victoria, BC T. 250.384.8124
E. [email protected]
Claire Yoo, Pemberton Holmes
Victoria, BC T. 250.384.8124
E. [email protected]
Claire Yoo, Pemberton Holmes
Victoria, BC T. 250.384.8124
E. [email protected]
Salon Victoria $189,000