BUY BC BUSINESSES Business Buyer's Guide Nicola ǀ Thompson ǀ Okanagan ǀ Boundary Regions Winter 2015/2016 | Page 26

Promote your BusIness to the worlD There is a new way for B.C. businesses to attract international investment. Whether you want to sell your business, are looking for an equity investor or want to form a partnership, promoting your business opportunity on is a strategic way to raise your profile with international investors. is the Province’s digital hub for promoting B.C. to the world. The website showcases our business opportunities and communities on the global stage, making it the first point of contact for many international investors interested in learning what B.C. has to offer. Boost your online presence provides B.C. businesses with a free marketing platform to reach an international audience who want to form business and investment partnerships or find business succession opportunities. The website builds on the legacy of OpportunitiesBC, with powerful enhancements that integrate detailed sector information and comprehensive community profiles alongside investment opportunities. • Free: There is no cost to promote your investment opportunity. • Direct access: Investors can directly contact businesses via email or phone. • Automatic cross-promotion: List once on or and your opportunity will be promoted on automatically. • Integrated: Links on each investment opportunity page connect investors to relevant information about the opportunity’s community, region and industry sector. IntroDucIng B.c. to InternAtIonAl Investors • Provides more than 390 micro-sites — one fo