BUY BC BUSINESSES Business Buyer's Guide Cariboo ǀ Chilcotin ǀ Northern Regions Spring 2015 | Page 15
Service Burns Lake $445,150
Development Fort St. James $490,000
Price includes building, inventory, parts
and equipment as well as the business
itself. Sales and installation of furnaces,
Appliance repair depot, 5+ national
contracts, heating service and installations,
sales of Hot Tub chemicals, dry cleaning
Agency, WETT inspections, sales of
furnaces, wood stoves and accessories,
HVac, Gasfitting.
Frits Goossen, Owner
T. 250.692.3337
Great development opportunity, or
relax and enjoy over 2,000 ft of beautiful
lakeshore on Pinchi Lake. Great building
sites with sandy beaches and easy, sloping
access to the lake. Preliminary design work
has been done to subdivide the property
into 14 different lots. There is also an
excellent opportunity to set up a resort or
vacation retreat. This once-in-a lifetime
property is priced to sell and will not last
Carl Larsen, Royal L