Butane Gas Cartridges Market to Reach US$555.24 mn by 2024 | Page 2

Butane Gas Cartridges Market
Butane Gas Cartridges Market ( Applications - Medical , Pest Control and Fumigation , Stoves , Food and Beverages , Metal Working , and Plastic Industry ) - Global Industry Analysis , Size , Share , Growth , Trends , and Forecast 2016 - 2024
The Yang Corporation and Aspire Industries were two highly prominent names in the global butane gas cartridges market for 2015 , thanks to their strong grasp over key regions in terms of supplying their demand . Both companies own a wide array of products in the global butane gas cartridges market and are showing promising rates of expansions across the globe .
In its recent research report , Transparency Market Research points to an intense competitive profile for the global butane gas cartridges market . The market is very favorable to new entrants due to the ease with which inexpensive raw materials are available , and the low capital required to set up . This will compound the competition within the global butane gas cartridges market , further boosted by the growing rivalry from substitutes to butane gas cartridges . The global butane gas cartridges market was valued at US $ 364.55 mn at the end of 2015 . By the end of 2016 , this market ’ s revenue is expected to reach US $ 380.30 mn and is projected to reach US $ 555.24 mn by 2024 , after expanding at a CAGR of 4.73 % from 2016 to 2024 .
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Gas Cartridges Winning Demand amid Need for Portable Fuel Storage Units “ The global stockpile of energy can potentially be used up faster than it can be generated . Industries are still highly dependent on conventional fuels and as a result , energy security becomes a paramount issue . The global butane gas cartridges market is currently in a position where it can provide an economical answer to the problem , thereby gaining a high volume of demand . Both industrial clients as well as individual consumers are ramping up their demand for gas capsules as they rank better in portability to other fuel transportation options . This is especially beneficial for
Transparency Market Research