BUSRide AUG / SEPT 2021 | Page 17

“ It has meant a big effort on the part of Palm Tran and Avail ,” he said “ We just completed the biggest training component across all operations departments and have more sessions coming soon . We want to ensure Palm Tran is fully utilizing this software build .” As part of the advanced training , Avail has focused on creating standard operating procedures ( SOPs ) and developing “ champions ” within Palm Tran . If each department has a leader with in-depth knowledge of the system , then future training will be much more streamlined . “ Having in-organization champions can make a big difference ,” Mugica said . “ Palm Tran hires and promotes from within . This sort of training will make sure there are not any ‘ gaps ’ when an employee switches departments because of a promotion or turnover . Similarly , that employee will have a top-level trainer to help them in their new department . These champions can help spearhead communications and keep all departments on-sides with myAvail .” “ Training is one of the most important requirements for an upgrade of this magnitude ,” Paiva added . “ We can put the best equipment out there , but without training it means nothing .” Aragon said that yearly refreshers will be implemented once intensive training is complete . Paiva will work closely with Avail to continue being a training resource for Palm Tran employees . “ Seamless training is part of any Avail Technologies deployment ,” Aragon said . “ But with Palm Tran , we are aiming to implement standard operating procedures . We can train anyone to push a button , but this is all about maintaining processes through turnovers , attrition , and new hires . Consistency is critical , whether it is in operations , dispatch , maintenance , the managerial , or executive levels .”
Community Feedback Paiva said that , more than anything else , Avail offers Palm Tran an array of opportunities without stretching the agency ’ s IT resources . “ We were able to manage this large-scale deployment , without hiring consultants , special project managers , or system analysts ," he said . " With our IT team working with the team at Avail , we completed the project without unnecessary spending or wasting time . We fully utilized the resources available to us .” Paiva said that Palm Tran has received many commendations , calls , and emails relating to the new onboard technology and passengerfacing app . Furthermore , Paiva said he rides Palm Tran buses once per week to get direct feedback from riders . “ Some riders are really excited , especially if they have long trips , about the information available via the app and other interfaces ,” Paiva said . “ The accuracy of the passenger information is critical , and our riders have noticed it immediately .” Paiva concluded that the project ultimately succeeded because of critical support from stakeholders , including Avail , Palm Beach County Administrator Verdenia Baker , and Palm Tran Executive Director Clinton B . Forbes . “ They all gave my team 100-percent support to finish this project quickly and efficiently ,” he said . “ If we did not have their full support , Palm Tran ’ s ITS would not be where it is today .”