BUSN 603 Problem Set 8 APU | Page 2

investment in dollars . When you use Excel QM , you need to end the​total risk​ in the right hand side of the constraint ​not simply the risk index​ .)
7 . The average risk ​index​ ( not in dollar amount ) for the optimal investment is _ , and the estimated best / maximum return for this investment is __ . ( Please only enter an integer and include no units .)
8 . The optimal ​money​ invested in the five stocks and bonds — Municipal bonds , Electronics , Aerospace , Drugs , and Nursing homes are __________ dollars , respectively .
9 . The optimal number of medical patients per year is __ , and optimal number of surgical patients per year is ___ . The maximum annual profit is ____ dollars . ( Please round to the closest​ integer and include no units .)
10 . Among the 90 additional beds , _______ beds should be used for medical patients and _______ beds used for surgical patients .
11 . At the optimal , there are _ empty beds , __ lab tests of unused capacity , _ x-rays of unused capacity , and __ unused operation rooms available . ( Please round to the ​closest​ integer and include no units .)