BUSN 115 STUDY It's Your Life/busn115study.com BUSN 115 STUDY It's Your Life/busn115study.com | Page 3

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Choice of taxation Flexible ownership rules Self-employment taxes Fewer incentives
Question 1.1 . ( TCO 5 ) In this digital age , setting up shop online is vital for most retail businesses . But having only an online presence that customers can access at home isn ’ t enough anymore . Now consumers have an array of smartphones and digital tablets that can get them online from anywhere . For social networks and retailers alike , the mobile market has already enjoyed tremendous growth . Given this information as a sales manager for Always Better Car Sales ( ABCS ), your concerns include which of the following ? ( Select all that apply .) ( Points : 5 )
Question 2.2 . ( TCO 4 ) To look at problems and / or passions and see opportunities in them , which of the following questions should be asked ? ( Select all that apply .) ( Points : 5 )
Question 3.3 . ( TCO 5 ) Electronic wireless technology continues its move toward ubiquity . Such media inculcates which of the following ? ( Select all that apply .) ( Points : 5 )
Question 4.4 . ( TCO 5 ) You are an independent Internet marketing consultant . You have an excellent track record of assisting small- to medium-sized companies fully realize their marketing potential through an improved and enhanced presence on the Web . Mr . Top Hatt , the owner of a small pet-grooming salon ( Hatt ’ s Cat Grooming Emporium ), specializes in the care and grooming of cats and only cats