Question 8.8 . ( TCO 2 ) A conscious plan that represents and encourages a unique set of values includes which ? ( Select all that apply .) ( Points : 5 )
Our elected representatives Our communities Our competitors Our employees Our customers
Question 9.9 . ( TCO 2 ) The Uniform Commercial Code includes which ? ( Select all that apply .) ( Points : 5 )
Laws that cover promissory notes and checks Legally enforceable agreements between two or more parties Bills of Lading Something of value Forms of commercial paper
Question 10.10 . ( TCO 2 ) Some regulation of business seems necessary to ensure fair and honest dealings with the public . The impact of this statement can best be explained by which of the following ? ( Select all that apply .) ( Points : 5 )
Consumers and investors have called for increased government regulation in the financial sector .
U . S . businesses will need to work with government to create a competitive environment that is fair .