Issue: 6 2013 -2014 | Page 33

Returning Nationals ‘Rooftop Bar and Lounge’ has a spectacular tropical setting overlooking the fabulous ‘Port Louis’ Marina. The Rooftop Bar and Lounge situated at the top 2 floors of the GCNA building on the Lagoon, in St George’s. Is a “vision of a bar for total relaxation, the concept is built around my living room it’s about me and my personality.” Says Gloria expressivly. Blessed with a glorious view and an indoor/outdoor setting, stars, masts and boats, highlight the night sky... and to top that ...”The Rooftop...” has great parking ! “So far our clientele ranges from international people on holiday, locals, and lots of The Good news for Gloria is that more and more people are discovering the attraction and allure of Rooftop Bar and its fabulous location . “Margins are very tight here but I’m not here just to make money” she comments, “My joy is to see lots of different classes of people under one roof...or sky as it may be.” “I must say I did benefit from concessions from the GIDC, who were very helpful as a ‘Returning Resident’ also starting a business, and they were quite clear cut... once you have the necessary paper work” she warns “or you could see your goods sit on the dock for weeks” “I say to all Grenadians Come back Home and unite”, says People love it and keep saying how great it is, so that’s part of the reward people that want to just come out and have a good time, in an environment cool for meeting other fun loving people.” “People love it and keep saying how great it is, so that’s part of the reward, I love it when people are happy. Everyone enjoys this bar.” “I was excited to move back, I was bored and fed up in England ... but you need to leave to come back.” Gloria observes “I’m in it long term now, this is a reasonable size venture, I’m currently employing 8 people at a location that could probably accommodate 200+on a party night.” Gloria triumphantly “I do feel a lot of people have defected to the west, taking experience, training, abilities,” She advocates for fellow Grenadians to “Come home and give back.” “Part of my coming back is the quality of life here, my surroundings are better and I feel more comfortable living here, the majority of the time I’m happy.” Gloria concludes, “I’ve been dreaming about this and I thank God for that.” Rooftop Bar and lounge is located on the Kirani James Boulevard (formerly Lagoon Rd) at the GCNA Complex 33