BusinessGrenada2019-2020 Issue 8 | Page 96

In Pursuit of Excellence In Pursuit of Excellence Mrs. Dr. Sebi A “ Let Food be Thy Medicine, and Medicine be Thy Food Hippocrates “ lfredo Bowman (1933-2016) or more commonly known as Dr. Sebi was a world renowned self- taught healer and pathologist of herbal medicine. If you consult Google there are over 25 million references to him. Controversy and conspiracy over his curative abilities and death continues to playout in print and social media. His concept of curing disease is so radically different from the Western world norm that he’s even been labeled a witch doctor. BusinessGrenada (BG) had the privilege to interview Mrs. Patsy Bowman, Dr Sebi’s Widow, aka Mrs Dr. Sebi. We share with you her incredible journey in a healing past, present and her road map for New Life for all of us in the future.. BG: We’ve all heard the phrase “Let Food be Thy Medicine, and Medicine be Thy Food” from Hippocrates. In this modern age of confusion over Genetically Modified Foods (GMO), Naturally Flavoured, Chemically enhanced and Organic foods, would Hippocrates say “Let the Native Foods be thy Medicine”? Mrs. Dr. Sebi: What I’ve learned over the years is that we do not need foods containing vitamins or protein, what the body really needs is minerals, and I will show you how simple it is. For your blood you need Iron that is not a protein or a vitamin, for your bones you need Calcium and Magnesium still minerals, for your brain Copper and Carbon for your reproductive organs Zinc, for your Pancreas Chromium. MRS. DR. SEBI - PATSY BOWMAN PHOTO BY TONY MCQUILKIN 96 97 97