BusinessGrenada2019-2020 Issue 8 | Page 94

In Pursuit of Excellence It would seem that brand “Pure Grenada” is starting to live up to its name as brand “Mount Pure” tries to share its benefits with the world. “ “ In Pursuit of Excellence Here, enquiring minds, learn about the magic of an artesian well, how the water travels down from the mountain, as it descends and collects a colloidal mixture of minerals on its journey, settles and gathers in an underground aquifer. Natural pressure brings the water up to the surface, and with its inherent CO2, gives Mount Pure its natural sparkling bubbles. able to offer both Sparkling and Still Mineral Water. The naturally sparkling mineral water is the premium brand while their still mineral water is available nationwide. McQueen says when it comes to this business she does it all; “I do everything I have to - drive the truck, answer phones, get involved, I believe in being hands on.” It is hard work but she appears to enjoy every bit of it. “More and more people are beginning to see the health benefits of it. We’re not in competition with any of the other brands because they are Spring and we are Mineral water. The pH of our Mount Pure is 7.6 which helps rid the body of acid, rejuvenates and improves health.” Ms. McQueen has even seen the health benefits of her water up close with her own employees. “One my first employees, was so much overweight but since she’s been drinking the water she’s gone down two sizes. Another one had problem with kidney stones but it seems to have fixed that too as he’s now fine.” Initially, McQueen wanted to package Mount Pure using only glass bottles, however she was quickly given a dose of modern economic reality. Although Silversands Hotel appreciates the efforts of Mount Pure in using glass bottles since they are conscious of the environmental effects of plastic products and recycling. It would seem that brand “Pure Grenada” is starting to live up to its name as brand “Mount Pure” tries to share its benefits with the world. McQueen remains adamant about her product and her sense of national pride is evident stating; “I always tell people, in Grenada we have good water and good traditions and we have to preserve it. Oil Down is Grenada’s National Dish 94 not all those foreign fast food joints we have in every corner of the Island. Let’s stop thinking that everything foreign is better.” CHALLENGES McQueen is not the only water bottler on the island and a dream of hers is to collaborate with other water producers especially in the area of blowing bottles. She feels this initiative could benefit everyone in the industry by making use of economies of scale, and have one central bottle blowing facility that supplies all producers, rather than each little manufacturer doing their own thing. This she believes could lead to an industry by itself and support more jobs for Grenadians. CONCLUSION Giving back to the community is central to McQueen and Mount Pure. The company continues to work with the nation’s students offering internships onsite at the source. Budding young scientists and hydrogeologists conduct field studies to test the soil and rocks and try to learn the secrets of Mother Earth’s purest of Elixir’s. MOUNT PURE MINERAL WATER RECENTLY (MARCH 2019) RECEIVED A BRONZE MEDAL AT THE 29TH ANNUAL “BERKELEY SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL WATER TASTING COMPETITION”. WIDELY CONSIDERED TO BE THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS WATER TASTING EVENT IN THE WORLD, MOUNT PURE WAS CONSIDERED THE 3RD BEST IN THE WORLD IN THE “BEST BOTTLED WATER CATEGORY” McQueen would like to appreciate the enormous support she has received from her husband on this journey and his determination to stand by her irrespective of the challenges. Also not forgetting her dedicated staff members and employees whose devotion, dedication and service to the company continues to be the main reason why this natural gift of nature is preserved for the entire Grenadian market, clients and beyond. UP AGAINST OTHER BOTTLED WATERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, OWNER ROLANDA MCQUEEN, SPOKE TO THE PRESS OF HOW PROUD SHE WAS TO RECEIVE SUCH AN HONOR AS A FIRST TIME ENTRANT, AND HOW WINNING THE AWARD FURTHER REINFORCES HER BELIEVE IN THE QUALITY OF GRENADIAN PRODUCTS. Nothing added and nothing taken away - Just the Pure Magic of “Mount Pure” “You know when you have good water”, states McQueen “you can just drink it and drink it… and it makes you feel positively nourished.” We suggest you give it a try …Now that you know what is good for you! Mount Pure Natural Mineral Water – taste the difference, enjoy the benefits! BG Rolanda McQueen MD/CEO McQueen Enterprises Ltd T/A Mount Pure The Carenage, St George’s, Grenada – W.I +1 473 435 8800 [email protected] PHOTOS BY TONY MCQUILKIN 95 95