In Pursuit of Excellence
In Pursuit of Excellence
Water Has a New Name in Grenada
– Mount Pure Natural Mineral Water
Increases Mental & Physcial Alertness
Regulates Body Fat
Reduces Acidity
Replaces Electrolytes
Great Source of Calcium
Improves Blood Regeneration
Lowers Cholesterol
Inceases Skin’s Sheen
Eases Arthritis
Remedies from nature have been a long
standing tradition in most families and
households. The country is also experiencing
unprecedented growth - It’s booming;
bringing with its success, the plagues of the
first world, the seduction of processed foods
and the destruction associated with plastic
One name resonates the dangers associated
with this boom: Rolanda McQueen; who
reminds us that we are the stewards of this
gift of nature. If we save it, it will continue to
save us for generations to come.
Rolanda McQueen, owner of Mount Pure
Natural Mineral Water, likes to tell you she’s
a Queen from a Castle and she appears to have
a charmed life since she was born a McQueen
in Mount Castle. It was here, in the lush
agricultural parish of St. Andrew’s, where she
learned about water from her ancestors.
In her own words, she says, “I remember we
would have to walk for miles to collect water.
My parents would say, ‘don’t collect water
where people are washing, be sure that you’re
upstream’. I didn’t understand why we had to
walk so far for water, and my parents could tell
if the water was heavy or light; river, ravine or
spring water. So I got to know a lot about water
from a young age.”
Like many Grenadians, following the
migration patterns of the diaspora, her parents
The Grenadian public had no idea of the amazing
health benefits of the water. It is now McQueen’s
intention to rectify this situation with her newly
re-branded product that has a name that speaks
of what’s inside - “Mount Pure
made their way to London, England during the
Windrush generation. Growing up, McQueen
entered the fast paced world of fashion. Her
entrepreneurial spirit and passion for fashion
led her to open a chain of high-end retail
boutiques called “Rolanda”. She had a very
distinguished customer base of young royals,
fashion models and television personalities. In
the year 2002, she was voted Black Business
Woman of the Year by the European Federation
of Black Business Women.
As a daughter of the Grenadian soil, she
remained passionate to her homeland and as
she became more successful, she invested in
Real Estate on the island. In her heart, she
knew that she would return to her island home.
McQueen had the opportunity of opening
a fashion boutique at the prestigious Port
Louis Marina, but she never expected to buy a
water company, now rebranded as Mount Pure
Mineral Water - previously Claboney Mineral
Water – which was known for its healing
minerals, was discovered by their ancestors but
later brought to market by David Rainey, and
McQueen claims “I give the credit to him, he
knew of the goodness and benefits of the water.”
renada is a very special place, a healing
place with many medicinal plants,
spices and fruits that grow abundantly.
Rolanda used to drink Claboney Mineral
Water every time she visited Grenada and she
stated that; “when I was living in England I
had high cholesterol and I went to the Doctor.
They said I had an autoimmune disease. They
did all kinds of tests, and put me on “statins”,
to help control my cholesterol levels, which I
wasn’t happy with so I stopped taking it.”
McQueen continues “I decided to come home
to Grenada for a vacation, and I drank the water
daily. When I returned to the UK and took
the same tests, the medics informed me that
I had no problems with cholesterol anymore -
the only thing I changed was the Water I was
drinking while back in Grenada. This made me
soon realize the therapeutic benefits of this
wonderful natural mineral product”.
We are taught from an early age that we need
three things to sustain life: food, water and
shelter: for which water tops the list.
In 2016, McQueen heard that The Claboney
Mineral Water factory was for sale.
“I was told that there were foreigners
interested in the water, but I think that maybe
God wanted us to have the water.”