BusinessGrenada2019-2020 Issue 8 | Page 102

In Pursuit of Excellence In Pursuit of Excellence be certain whether the plant is a native one or if it’s an artificial one. Most of the people that come to me are on heavy medication from Chemo, Radiation etc. Usually in stage 4 or the final stages of the disease, they don’t come to me when they’re well. Everybody goes to their doctor first and now they have 3 days to live and that is when they come to me. BG: Do you have any statistics on your healing record? Mrs. Dr. Sebi: In the last 4 years, I’ve lost 3 clients, and 2 of them didn’t even open my product. I see roughly 20-25 people a week. I talk to people all over the world and my company is based in the US, my distribution company. The phone never stops ringing. “ be consumed. The plant is not natural it is a hybrid and it will hurt you more than meat. BG: What health disaster does Soy create? Mrs. Dr Sebi: Asthma. People give up meat and eat Soy. It covers the lung and the bronchial tubes; Soy, cheese and milk have lactic acid and create a lot of mucus. Mucus is an isolator and keeps acid off your cells, but if your body over produces it becomes a catch 22. there wasn’t even a word for Vegetarian, and right now we’re beyond that with Veganism. The world is going to be vegan soon. A hundred years from now we will look barbaric, everyone will be vegan. We were not constructed to eat animals, if we were we would be hunting the way lions do. Our digestive tract alone tells you that we should not consume animal products, because of how it’s designed. We are supposed to consume foods that enable our blood to pick up nutrients from the colon and it’s not doing that right if things are rotting in the gut. That’s the worst thing - uric acid. The good thing is when people meet me they drop certain dead foods, are less tired, irritable, stressed even, because uric acid weighs heavy on the brain and central nervous system”. We are in a global food and medical crisis, to believe that they are not connected is dangerous. Millions of pounds of food in 2018 were recalled due to Salmonella, Ecoli and other fatal contaminates. Grenada is one country that realizes the validity of natural remedies and can expand on this as an industry. Product info & purchases can be made from: or BG BG: What’s your vision of the future in your work? Mrs. Dr Sebi: Continue healing work making my liquid herbal compounds. With a little help and funding I will have an A native plant or natural plant whether it’s dried whether its green whether you boil it or burn it you can not get rid of the energy it’s still good the longer it stays the more potent it becomes. Mrs. Dr. Sebi: If I get a green herb I will hang them upside down and let them dry. A native plant or natural plant whether it’s dried whether its green whether you boil it or burn it you can not get rid of the energy it’s still good the longer it stays the more potent it becomes. BG: So good health comes down to an Alkaline Diet? Mrs. Dr. Sebi: It’s a New Life according to my daughter, you’re changing one group of foods for another that’s safer for our consumption. For instance a lot of people eat Soy, and Soy is extremely and I repeat extremely dangerous, its like one element away from plastic. George Washington Carver made paint and linoleum for the floor with that, it was never meant to 102 “ BG: How do you store your herbs? institute, I would like to do it right here in Grenada. Calls are coming in from all over the world, Ghana, Africa, India the Netherlands I think this could be a fantastic location for a healing institute. BG: How does one store your product after purchase? Mrs. Dr Sebi: I don’t use preservatives for the tonic So it keeps in the refrigerator. You can’t overdose on it, the worst thing is that you can’t sleep or you don’t feel tired. You don’t feel hungry because it’s a diuretic you will urinate, it will clean all your organs the kidneys, the liver your lungs the bronchial tubes your respiratory system. BG: Do you feel that people are becoming more aware about the effect their diet has on their health? Mrs. Dr. Sebi: Can you imagine 50 years ago 103 103