BusinessGrenada2019-2020 Issue 8 | Page 10

A few words from the Prime Minister The Rt. Hon Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell G reetings and welcome to Grenada’s premier business magazine. In this informative publication, readers gain valuable insight into and an in-depth understanding of the vibrant business infrastructure we have enabled and the entrepreneurs who have built the base for the country’s booming economy. Grenada is experiencing a tremendous upswing in economic growth. One of the priorities of this administration is maintaining an attractive and sustainable investment landscape, and we are therefore cognisant of the strategic importance of promoting resilience in all its forms -financial, infrastructural and social. Recognised as one of the fastest growing economies in the 10 region, averaging 5% real growth since 2013, Grenada’s positive economic trajectory is fueled by positive Government initiatives and investment from both local and foreign entities which have combined to create expansion in all our major sectors - construction, tourism, education and yachting. Our fiscal discipline is reaping tremendous rewards. For the first time in our history, Government revenue is exceeding expenditure and the unemployment rate is half of what it was a few short years ago. To further propel our country on this positive trajectory of economic growth, Grenada remains open to foreign and local investment but these must fit within an equally unwavering commitment to maintain the country’s reputation as Pure Grenada. This magazine will introduce you to some of the finest movers, shakers and business makers, who make our country the shining example that it is. We invite you to peruse the pages of this magazine to learn about our culture, the wonderful, safe environment and the lucrative investment opportunities that we offer here. Signed Rt. Hon. Prime Minister & Minister of Finance Dr. Keith Mitchell