BWS nominated charity for 2017
Speak Out, Stay Safe
We all want to help to keep children safe. A
key part of the NSPCC’s work is on preventing
child abuse and one way we’re doing this is
through our Schools Service. We work with
primary schools across the country to deliver
Speak out Stay safe, a programme which is
giving a generation of children the knowledge
and understanding they need to stay safe from
abuse and neglect.
During the workshops, children in Primary 6
and 7 explore the definitions of abuse in greater
depth. They take part in engaging exercises,
including looking at different scenarios and
deciding whether they are OK or not OK.
The programme links directly to the curriculum,
helping schools meet their statutory
requirements. Teachers are present throughout
the assembly so everyone’s familiar with the
topics covered after the visit.
In the last year, we visited over 800 primary
schools in Scotland (including the UK’s most
northerly school in Shetland) and reached more
than 92,000 children. Our aim is to visit every
primary school in the UK and during 2017/2018
we plan to speak to 1.5 million children in 8000
Anita Green, Schools Service Volunteer in East
Lothian said: “As a trained volunteer, it’s amazing
to feel the impact that our schools service can
have, we teach every child in every primary
school to recognise abuse, to know what is ok
and what is not ok and most importantly to help
those that need it to find a voice, either through
a trusted adult or ChildLine. Just imagine a
generation of Scottish children who have the
knowledge, the language and the permission to
speak out and stay safe, it’s the most powerful
tool we have in preventing child abuse.”
Assemblies and Workshops
Speak out Stay safe is delivered by trained
NSPCC staff and volunteers using a combination
of child-friendly assemblies and interactive
workshops, with the help our mascot Buddy.
The Speak out Stay safe assembly helps
children understand about different types of
abuse so that they can get help if or when they
need it.
Watch our Speak out. Stay safe. video
The assembly also helps children to identify
a trusted adult they can speak to if they are
worried about themselves or a friend. They also
learn about Childline, and how the service can
support them. Assemblies are for children
aged 5-11, with a 1 hour classroom workshop for
children in P6 and P7.
Help to keep your child safe
It can sometimes be difficult to talk to your
child about topics like abuse, but we’re here to
help. From talking PANTS to protect your child
from sexual abuse, to advice about staying safe
online, resources and information are available