Business Times Africa Magazine 2017 /vol 9/ No2 BT2Edition2017_web | Page 19

OPINION: A BIG BOND FOR AFRICA massive increase in infrastructure investment across Africa. Public in- frastructure is particularly important. This includes highways, bridges, and railways linking rural producers in landlocked countries to Africa’s ur- ban consumers and external markets; mass transit and Internet infrastruc- ture to accommodate greater com- mercial activity; and electricity trans- mission lines integrating privately financed power plants and grids. Major regional projects are also needed to knit together Sub-Saharan Africa’s many tiny economies. This is the only way to create the economies of scale needed to increase the export potential of African agriculture and industry, as well as to reduce domes- tic prices of food and manufactured goods. While governments in Africa are spending more on public infrastruc- ture themselves, outside finance is still required, especially for regional projects, which are rarely a top pri- ority for national governments. Yet aid from Africa’s traditionally gen- erous foreign donors, including the United States and Europe, is now set to shrink, owing to political and eco- nomic constraints. But there may be a solution that helps Africa recover its growth in a way that Western leaders and their constituents find acceptable. We call it the “Big Bond” – a strategy for leveraging foreign aid funds in inter- national capital markets to generate financing for massive infrastructure investment. Specifically, donors would borrow against future aid flows in capital markets. That way, they could exploit current low interest rates at home, as they generate new resources. With 30- year US Treasury rates of about 3%, donors would have to securitize only about $5 billion to raise $100 billion. That money could come from the $35 billion in annual official development assistance (ODA) to Africa (which to- tals about $50 billion) that takes the form of pure grants. Donors would pass on the interest cost to African countries, reducing their own fiscal costs. For African countries, the terms would be better than those provided by Eurobonds. In fact, as audacious as it may sound, passing on the interest costs to recip- ient countries could actually bolster their debt sustainability. According to a study of eight coun- tries by the African Development Bank’s Policy Innovation Lab, a 3% interest rate in US dollar terms would be lower than the marginal cost of commercial borrowings undertaken by several African countries over the last five years. Moreover, far longer maturities and grace periods, com- pared to market finance, would ease growing pressure on foreign-ex- change reserves. Frontloading aid in this way is not new. Doing so in the early 2000s to finance vaccines saved millions of lives in the developing world. Big Bond resources, managed by the Af- rican Development Bank, could be used to help guarantee financing for major regional infrastructure projects that have long been stuck on the back burner, such as the East Africa Rail- way connecting Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi, and a highway stretch- ing from Nigeria to Côte d’Ivoire. Such projects could also be co-financed by private investors. Moreover, the Big Bond could help to reinvigorate the relationship be- tween donors and African countries. And, as it supports investments with important country-level benefits, it could serve as an incentive for Afri- can countries to pursue reforms that increase their absorptive capacity, in terms of choosing and executing pub- lic infrastructure investments. The Big Bond approach represents a much-needed update to the ODA framework – one that supports high- er and more sustainable growth in recipient countries, while lowering the burden on donor countries. At a time when aid is under political pres- sure, perhaps such a bold approach to maximizing the efficiency of donor resources is exactly what the world needs. One way to sustain growth and create jobs would be to collaborate on planning and implementing a massive increase in infrastructure investment across Africa. Nancy Birdsal President Emeritus and a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala a former finance minister of Nigeria and managing director of the World Bank, is a distinguished visiting fellow at the Center for Global Development. 2017 | Business Times Africa 17