sheets over the period. Detailed financial forecasts will normally be included as an appendix to the business plan.
2.8 Funding requirements
The cash flow forecast referred to above will show how much finance your business needs.
The plan should state how much finance you want, in what form, and when it is needed.
You should also say what the finance will be used for and show that you will have the resources to make the necessary repayments. You may also give details of any security you
can offer.
Putting together a business plan is often seen as a one-off exercise undertaken when a new
business is starting up. How-ever the plan should be updated on a regular basis, involving
the whole team. It can then be used as a tool against which performance can be monitored
and measured. There is much merit in this, as used properly it keeps everyone in the business focused on objectives and inspires a discipline to achieve them.