Adolf Hitler
Paula Hitler, the last living member of Adolf Hitler's immediate family, died in 1960.
The most prominent and longest-living direct descendants of Adolf Hitler's father, Alois, was Adolf's nephew William Patrick Hitler. With his wife Phyllis, he eventually moved to Long Island, New York, changed his last name, and had four sons. None of William Hitler's children have had any children of their own.
Over the years, various investigative reporters have attempted to track down other distant relatives of the Führer. Many are now alleged to be living inconspicuous lives and have long since changed their last name.
* Klara Hitler, mother
* Alois Hitler, father
* Alois Hitler, Jr., half-brother
* Angela Hitler Raubal, half-sister
* Bridget Dowling, sister-in-law
* Eva Braun, mistress and then wife
* Geli Raubal, niece
* Gretl Braun, sister-in-law through Hitler's marriage to Eva Braun
* Heinz Hitler, nephew
* Hermann Fegelein, brother-in-law through Hitler's marriage to Eva Braun
* Ilse Braun, sister-in-law through Hitler's marriage to Eva Braun
* Johann Georg Hiedler, presumed grandfather
* Johann Nepomuk Hiedler, maternal great-grandfather, presumed great uncle and possibly Hitler's true paternal grandfather
* Leo Raubal Jr, nephew
* Maria Schicklgruber, grandmother
* Paula Hitler, sister
* William Patrick Hitler, nephew
Hitler in media
Oratory and rallies
Hitler was a gifted orator who captivated many with his beating of the lectern and growling, emotional speech. He honed his skills by giving speeches to soldiers during 1919 and 1920. He became adept at telling people what they wanted to hear (the stab-in-the-back, the Jewish-Marxist plot to conquer the world, and the betrayal of Germany in the Versailles treaty) and identifying a scapegoat for their plight. Over time, Hitler perfected his delivery by rehearsing in front of mirrors and carefully choreographing his display of emotions. He was allegedly coached by Erik-Jan Hanussen, a self-styled clairvoyant who focused on
Adolf Hitler in Reichstag during his speech against Franklin D. Roosevelt. 11 December 1941.