Business Matters 2020 | Page 14

“Teamwork makes the dream work” aptly applies to the coordination of efforts at the facility during the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. and team members,” Mark says. “We are continuing to develop strategies that can bring us closer to virus free communities, but also must depend on everyone who walks through our doors to be responsible and take the utmost precautions,” he says. “Much is required of the skilled nursing sector always, but those requirements multiplied exponentially as the result of this pandemic,” he says. “We understand the critical nature of this on a very personal level as we are on the frontline caring for seniors,” Mark says. “We entreat all those who must be on site with us for business and safety reasons, to help us be as effective as possible.” Having corporate support like that is important to the Focused Care staff, residents and their families, Jessica says. But playing just a large of a role, has been the willingness of her staff to go the extra mile in caring for residents. Jessica says although this pandemic has lingered longer than she thought it would, she and her staff of warriors will continue to push through with a positive attitude knowing they are making a difference — one life at a time. “We will continue to be here to fight the good fight as long as it takes,” she says. Much of the work being done is “behind the scenes” where little recognition if given for efforts to make a difference in the quality of life for patients. Many of her staff have pitched in to help out with duties well beyond their normal assignments, such as helping prepare meals in the Focused Care kitchen at times. Attending to the details of life for others which most people might take for granted is a big part of their jobs. Showing love and the fact someone cares along with performing minor, but very important tasks such as helping residents brush their teeth or their hair and dress them, makes a difference, Jessica says. Community and support and that from family members of residents has helped boost morale. Jessica says an event like hosting a parade to cheer up residents makes a difference. “Getting through this has not just been hard on our residents, it’s been hard on our staff too,” she says. “I just want them to know I appreciate everything they did and everything they are still doing. We are all working diligently to get through this.” 14 Business MATTERS | 2020 Fall Edition