Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 5
watch what everybody is doing, and then I go in for the attack.
I don’t just do social media marketing I do Integrated market-
ing techniques that put the whole package together for greater
What I found in this group was young professional women
who are masters of their niche, older women who have spent
years gaining valuable wisdom in business, and everything in
between. What a treasure trove of great content. I have spent
the last two days learning about subjects that I would never
have thought of researching for any of my magazines. And
these powerful women are living the information every day. I
also learned that I am great at taking a subject matter that is
unique, and creating a twist on it to provide valuable and rel-
evant information. I guess that is the publisher and the editor
in me.
So far, this article has been all about me, and I don’t enjoy
talking about myself so I want to spend some time talking
about networking and the core reason that Business Market-
ing Magazine, Hot As Health, Elemental Garden Guide and
Cassie Designs (all of my publications) are successful. They
are based on a network. Even more now than ever before.
Christy Smith
Dark Twin Marketing and
Sales Manager
Dave Nilson
Copyright 2017
All rights reserved, no part of this
publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photo copy-
ing, recording or otherwise with-
out prior written permission of the
The publisher has no responsibility
for external websites of contributors
and can make no guarantee that a
site will remain live or that the con-
tent is or will be legal or appropriate.
The content in the magazine is re-
searched to the best of the ability of
The content that we offer is vital to the magazines because
the staff. Due to the nature of con-
without it we don’t have readers, and readers are the value.
tributors, this magazine does no veri-
fy any content submitted by external
Although we do collect subscribers to the magazine, a free
service, you can never have enough emails in the database. We writers.
also rely on social networks to promote our articles. The more
Every effort has been made to trace
readers you have the more people that you can serve.
all copyright holders, but if an y have
The network, not just the women’s network, but networks at
LinkedIn or Twitter, places like Facebook, Pinterest, Insta-
gram and so many more. That is why they are called social
networks. In this case, it was a network or like-minded busi-
ness owners who with the power of togetherness, found a
great place to promote themselves, find new followers, and
support each other’s expertise. I am truly blessed. I want to
give a shout out to all the incredible women in the group, and
a shout out to networks of all kinds. It is time to pay it for-
ward, bound together, and be in control of our destiny.
been inadvertently overlooked, the
publisher will include any necessary
credits in any subsequent issues.
Business Builder Guide is a Dark Twin
Marketing publication.
All correspondence and advertising
request should be sent to
Dark Twin Marketing
P.O. Box 100
Hyrum, Utah 84319