Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 34
interesting. Now,
many of you just
said, “Who would
want to hear my
story?” I do! And so
does your family,
and your custom-
ers, and people you
haven’t even met or
haven’t even been
born yet. My clients
have emotions that
are driving them
to act and get the
stories recorded. I
know that if I spend
time to truly listen to them and understand
their emotions, our relationships expand in
scope and quantity. You can do the same with
your clients. You just have to listen to them.
Lori Farkas Gillespie is the owner of
Red Artichoke Stories. After a spend-
ing most of her career in the financial
industry, she started Red Artichoke to
help families capture their stories. A
graduate of the University of Wiscon-
sin, Lori lives in Sugar House, is mar-
ried, and has two boys that constantly
provide the stories of her lifetime. She
can be found at: