Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 24
Profit from your Purpose
with a plan
Your Ultimate Freedom Plan
By: Annette Pieper
live in the Salt Lake City area of Utah that
is surrounded by beautiful mountains
that are within 15 minutes of my home.
It provides a great place to find inspiration
and take a nice break away from the dis-
tractions of my home office.
This past week I packed my lunch, a chair,
a journal, my profit plan from January, a
blank profit plan and I headed up to the
mountains. I spent the afternoon in this in-
spiring environment revisiting the first half
of the year, thinking about what I want to
create the rest of the year. I then tweaked
and rewrote my profit plan, laid out some
new goals and feel absolutely energized
about the rest of the year.