Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 22
and stop
possibility of a yes in the very near future. I’ve
seen particular sales reported on sales projec-
Only 10% of sales people make more than
tions for weeks and then months before the
three contacts!!
reality that it’s simply not going to happen
finally sets in and the projection is removed to
It can be disconcerting to discover that suc-
the chagrin of the salesperson. Meanwhile, far
cess in sales is in fact a numbers game! But
too much time was invested in the “if-come”
herein is where the mix of the ART and the
– rather than in working towards a higher
SCIENCE of the sales processes come together. probability sale with someone else that would
have resulted in income.
These statistics are demonstrative of the
SCIENCE of the sale. In other words, as you do Here are some little tricks that will advance
the left side of the equation you can be as-
your progress towards success much fast-
sured to receive the right side of the equation. er: (These are not in any specific order and
When it comes to the sheer quantity of fol-
are general in nature – but I’ve seen 100’s of
low-ups required - do the ground work, take
salespeople make gigantic strides with their
the action, be proactive, JUST DO IT – and that application.
will equal success.
1. When doing follow-ups in your office or
Now the ART side of the sales process: As you cubie – stand up, look into a mirror, be ani-
progress, if you remain teachable, reading
mated and act like someone you’d be willing
and studying along the way, you will get sig-
to talk to…and don’t forget to smile.
nificantly better and your personal numbers
will improve - in a staggering way! Most likely, 2. Stay in touch with everyone. Google the
there will come a time in your sales career –
“MacKay 66” and begin to fill out this terrific
if you don’t jump from product to product,
loyalty building tool for each and every pros-
or from company to company – when you’ll
pect and customer you talk with. Don’t forget
make a terrific living from the referrals of loyal or minimize the importance of remembering
customers. And the statistics from that caliber birthdays, holidays and special events in the
of lead follow-up is vastly better than 50-50
lives of your prospects and customers. Doing
within a very short time, especially when a
this with regularity will differentiate you radi-
personal introduction is made on your behalf cally from your competition.
by your loyal customer, who, by the way, has
become a tremendous lifelong friend.
3. Be ‘LIKEABLE’ – Brian Tracy said that lik-
ability is the single most important trait of
One of the most difficult hurdles in this pro-
successful salespeople. If you doubt this, think
cess, early in the game, is to realize that a
back in your own personal experience and
‘no’ is not a death knell! No’s are simply little
ask yourself when you made your 2nd or 3rd
bumps on the road to Yes! And our attitude
purchase from someone that you disdained?
when we receive a no MUST reflect the un-
Realize that even in your favorite grocery store
derstanding of the reality that often times
you’ll wait for 2-3 people in front of you just
it’s better to get a no and be able to move
to be checked out by the checker that makes
forward than it is to continually rely on the
you feel appreciated and is like-able, even