Business Management Business Management | Page 6

GLOSARIO SERVICIO AL CLIENTE (CUSTOMER SERVICE) Service provided and provided by service companies or marketing products, among others, to their customers to communicate directly with them. If they need to express complaints, suggestions, raise concerns about the product or service in question, request additional information, request technical service, among the main options and alternatives offered by this sector or area of the companies to their consumers, customers of A company should contact this service. 1. 2. 3. 4. ATENCION PREFERENCIAL: Preferential Treatment ATENCION: Friendliness BUEN SALARIO: Good Salary BUENA RELACION CON SUS COLEGAS: Good Relationship With His Colleagues 5. CANAL: Channels 6. CLIENTE DECIDIDO: Decided Consumer 7. CLIENTE DESCONFIADO: Suspicious Consumer 8. CLIENTE DESCONTENTO: Discontent Consumer 9. CLIENTE DOMINANTE: Dominant Consumer 10.CLIENTE ESPECUALADOR: Spectacular Consumer 11.CLIENTE EXIGENTE: Discerning Consumer 12.CLIENTE: Consumer 13.CLIENTES ENFADADOS: Angry Customers 14.CODIGO: Code 15.CONSUMIDOR: Consumer 16.CONTEXTO: Context 17.COSTO MARGINAL: Marginal Cost 18.DESANIMO: Despondency 19.DETECCION DE LAS NECESIDADES: Identification Of The Needs 20.DUEÑO: Owner 21.EMISOR: Issuer 22.EMPATIA: Empathy 23.EMPLEADO: Employee 24.ENCARGADO: Manager