Business Fit Magazine Special Editions Mother & Daughter Special Edition | Page 22

and it was pure synchronicity. Raylene amazes me everyday and gives me the drive to love and embrace life. Tell us about your relationship with Raylene? When I work with youth or Raylene is helping her friends in a hard situation we tell them our story that at times we weren’t sure we were going to make it. But we did, and we did it with our love for each other and the belief in ourselves. I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant with Ray and scared to death. Coming from a damaged home and having had reproductive problems all my life I never thought I would have children. Her dad was definitely not the man I was spending my life with, and to be honest I had no plan on what life was at that age. I was angry, drunk, and lost at 19. But, I arrived at the school where my mother taught to tell her I was 9 weeks pregnant. I figured she couldn't be too upset with me while at work, told her the news and we got through it. I promised myself that day no matter what, I would always be there for Ray and love her the best I could. What is your message to other mothers with teenage daughters? Raylene and I have grown up together. We have been homeless, I was abused, and there were nights we were scared, but we made it out together. Never once did Ray doubt me or not want to be around me. Someone special to me once said “Ray wasn’t born for herself, she was born for you.” This resonated with me because Raylene has always had this sense of knowing the “old soul” as some would say. Through all the abuse and hard times, we have been through she always kept her light and her smile. She encourages me to be a better person every day. Raylene trusts me and my word is respected and heard. That has always given me a sense of worth and drive to always push to be better for her and myself. Her individuality awes me every day, she is so strong in herself, she doesn’t need the approval of anyone, has that raw beauty that even I inspire to have one day. She is my right- hand man and my inspiration. Raylene is seriously the greatest person I have ever met! I admire her individuality and her strength to always find the light. Raylene has absolutely no fear in what this world has to offer and knows she is going to conquer it. She has always pushed herself to her best and brought smiles and joy to so many people in our community. Raylene is perfect in all her ways - curly messy hair and unmatching socks! I just love her. I try my best to fill her full of compliments and daily aspirations. Remind her that she is the greatest person alive and can do anything she tries. She definitely has taken me up on that. 22 Never take her voice. Let her have feelings, be angry, be in love, and be a little weird. Listen to her needs and aspirations and never forget to remind her “SHE IS THE GREATEST PERSON ALIVE!” And daughters, know that your mom is trying and even in the darkest of times you can be her light! Believe in magic. What would you like to say about Raylene? I admire her individuality and her strength to always find the light 23