Business Fit Magazine Special Editions Mother & Daughter Special Edition | Page 16

She also wants to start a YouTube blogging account sharing her experiences as a young teenager with anxiety and how this affects her everyday life. Leonie’s message to other teenager girls: You are not alone, there are many others who feel the same way because life is tough. My biggest advice to you is to always try to find somebody, anybody, who you feel comfortable talking to. It’s difficult at first to be honest about how you feel because you might feel stupid or the only one but I can honestly tell you, It really does help to tell somebody how you feel. They can’t magically change how you feel, but by talking to someone, it can help because it makes you realise, you’re not so alone, which then helps to change how you feel. Also start to learn to have the belief that you can create your reality, and that all of these challenges are what is going to make us who we are. For Aly home-schooling a child on top of being a working mother of four is simply another thing to add into the already busy mix. Feasible because she works predominantly from home, she feels it is important Leonie knows she has 100 per cent support from her mother and for a child who feels nobody understands her, it is vital to her well-being. Leonie strives for perfection, which Aly believes is a product of today’s societal expectations. She finds it difficult when faced with the tough reality that perfection is not instantaneous or even achievable and as her mother, Aly has to be the bearer of this truth, sometimes leading to clashes and arguments. Despite this Aly says: “Ultimately, I hope she truly believes that no matter what, I will always be there for her! She is an amazing unique and beautiful person and absolutely perfect as she is! She is exactly as she is supposed to be, because it’s all about the journey, not the destination.” 16 Aly’s message to other mothers with teenage daughters is to know that it’s good not to be the ‘perfect mum’. It’s ok to work and be a mum just as much as it’s ok to be a stay at home mum. What’s important is that you find time, even little bits, with your daughter to: share moments, encourage her new interests, listen to her, inspire her to follow her dreams, take an interest in her interests, do your best to understand her even when you don’t, accept her exactly as she is, laugh together, cry together and sometimes even appreciate you must argue together. Surprisingly, considering the challenges Leonie faces, she would like to be an actor and a model. She says: “I would like to be an actor because you get to play a different part of yourself that you don’t show in real life. I have a keen interest in both taking pictures and having pictures taken of me, I really enjoy being in front of the camera and feel that I can be myself and free.” 17