Business Fit Magazine October 2019 Issue 2 | Page 8

Spirituality What’s Holding You Back And Ideas That Can Propel You Forward Gabriela Rodil Now is all we have. You can’t do something yesterday because it already happened. You can’t do something tomorrow. You can only think about it and—worse—worry about it. Worrying is having a physical reaction to something that is not happening. Worrying doesn’t change the future, but it can certainly ruin your now. How you feel right now is important. It defines how you show up at home, in the office, to your manager and employees. Again, you have a choice here. What do you want to focus on NOW? I say find things right now in your life that you love and that you are thankful for. You will develop much better relationships at work and in life. Forrest Gump has been right all along. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get." I like to say: life comes in assorted packs. “The only certainty is that nothing is certain,” said the ancient author and natural philosopher, Pliny the Elder. There are no guarantees, let alone extended warranties. So, what do you do? The best you can. Always. You try, and if it doesn’t work, you try something else. The Stories We Tell Ourselves Put Fear in Your Pocket Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is acting despite fear. Worrying doesn’t change the future, but it can certainly ruin your now The bad news is that fear is not going anywhere. The more you try to ignore it or pretend you are not afraid (which sometimes happens via rationalising things), the more power it will have over you. The good news is that you can embrace your fear. I say take your fear with you. Acknowledge the feeling, say ‘thanks for the warning’ and then put fear in your pocket and go do it. Ask for the raise, promotion, opportunity or meeting. Get clarification in your performance review to make sure you have a roadmap on how to succeed. When? Now. Because there is no tomorrow—I mean that in the most positive sense—you get to choose how you take it today. Instead of thinking that I am announcing the end of the world, think that I am telling you to seize the day and not leave for tomorrow what you can do and say today. 8 We are beyond creative and are experts in film editing. We edit out parts of what happened. We have certain memories on a constant replay in our heads. We can forget events completely, and we can be triggered to remember things that never happened. And we are well-oiled and well-meaning machines! Something happens, and we associate a story with it without even realising it. Here is a simple example: You don’t receive the call you are expecting. You assume the person doesn’t value you or your time. That is the tip of the iceberg! Who hasn’t been caught thinking, “He doesn’t care,” “She knew this would upset me and she did it anyway,” “They are doing this to test me,” or “My opinion is not important because no one bothered to ask,”? We also do it with ourselves: “I am not good with math,” or “I don’t like rejection, so I don’t ask for what I want.” And the list goes on. It creates self-imposed ‘limiting beliefs.’ we need to really mean it. We need to consciously ‘re-think’ the stories—change the narrative that often holds us back. Instead, think and say things like, “I am proud of myself for even daring to try,” or “I know that I can master anything.” I think Henry Ford was dead-on when he said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; you're right.” Make Yourself Useful Luck is not a strategy. Luck is icing on the cake. Take steps every day to be useful to others and to the world. Have the mindset to be of service, and you will be. Here are ways to do that: Offer to help. Wash the few dishes in the sink (yes, even if you didn’t leave them there). Call people you love and say hello. Send the ‘thank you’ notes. Donate items you don’t need anymore. Mow the neighbour’s lawn. Give a heartfelt compliment or offer your seat on the bus. At work: Say “hi” to people. Smile. Bring pastries every now and then. Volunteer to help with new initiatives or make the next pot of coffee. Be Your Own “Sponsor” Let people know what you do—what is accomplished and the difference it makes. No, I am not suggesting you brag. I am suggesting you give “status reports.” This will come easier to the extroverts, I understand. If you are on the shy side and don’t feel comfortable announcing to everyone what you did, then have one-on-one with the people that need to know. Lean into the discomfort, “Fake it until you make it.” At first it is a huge effort, and eventually it becomes natural. Pick any of these to get started and see how it snowballs. You will start increasing your impact anywhere you go. Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t; you’re right. If only we used our powers for good and assigned positive meanings to what happens. To do that, Gabriela Rodil is an award-winning entrepreneur and a gifted CFO with deep expertise in the critical areas of financial strategy, systems management and execution. Gabby Rodil is an international business woman, who speaks six languages and has clients throughout Asia, Europe and the Americas. She is originally from Brazil and has lived or had extended assignments in over 20 countries. 9