Business Fit Magazine October 2019 Issue 2 | Page 50

Mindset & Emotion How many of you have seen the worst day of your life turn out to be the best day of your life? I want you to see how in fact what you did and what they did, turned out to be positive. List down how it served you and them and find that positive until you are grateful for that situation and person. Your mind may struggle to show the positive side, but you must keep going until it is resolved and you see the beauty in the resolution. We should learn from our experiences not be trapped by them. Why have I come up with this conclusion? Well, it’s something I have learnt through various seminars, books and personal experiences - my own and others I have coached. The people I meet who are not joyful and generally play the victim role, who struggle through the challenges life has to throw at them have not resolved the relationship they had with their parents. Most of the issues we face as adults, can be traced back to incidents from our childhood. I had a client who was having a major problem in selling her products. She just couldn’t close the deal. She found it impossible to isolate their objections and therefore couldn’t address the problem and consequently froze. I soon found out this inability to isolate her client’s objections went back to her childhood when her parents would prioritise spending money on their home rather than on her. Back then she was unable to articulate the problem and felt rejected and unloved and carried it on into her life. She was susceptible to the trigger and reverting back, frozen and unable to know why she was not overcoming this block. Left to avoid situations like this and ultimately making her business suffer. All from a decision, a little girl had made. It has been known for many, many years that problems in our childhood manifest their way into our adulthood. Often causing us great pain, the ability to identify in a client where this pain comes from is something that I have been able to recognise successfully. How big are you willing to dream? What does it look like? The two fears that keep you from this are: 1. The fear of not being loved 2. The fear of being rejected Which then asks the questions Am I enough? Am I worthy? The biggest problem is we tend to set our goals too low. Plant an acorn in the ground and a beautiful oaktree will grow higher and higher and reach the sky, but if you put the acorn in a pot there’s only so much growing that can be achieved. The same applies to us. Without the foundations, we can never grow! What I do is help you find that space to grow. To unlearn behaviours, beliefs and other limitations you have carried unconsciously for many years. Knowing who you are, what you are and why you are is what is the meaning of life. “Shoot for the moon, if you miss we will fall among the stars” Les Brown Visibility has never been easier! Social media has allowed us to express ourselves in the most amazing way, but it has to be respected. There are too many people using this incredible tool in many negative ways. Say goodbye to your comfort zone and look into your inner greatness. We all have the capacity to be great, we all have a voice which should be heard. I want you to take a deep breath and reach inside yourself and commit to a Facebook live. There can be no fear in this, only an expression of belief and joy. I leave you with this thought. I love my work. It has become an affirmation for my life. Wake Up, Go Big & Live Extraordinarily. Peace and love, Alex Roseman is an Award-Winning International Speaker, Breakthrough 50 Coach & Best Selling Author. From down and out to speaking for the world’s largest seminar promoting company representing leading names in personal development including Tony Robbins. He lives to inspire, teach and show anyone what is possible. - [email protected]