Business Fit Magazine October 2019 Issue 2 | Page 48

Mindset & Emotion Helping people who have lost focus and purpose get back on a path of fulfilment, Alex Roseman explains why solving our relationship with our parents can help us find joy and success The relationship you have with your parents is what you have with the World! 48 When I share this concept with people, I regularly get met with silence, then they take a deep look into themselves, usually with their head tilted and then they repeat the question back to me. Then say “Hhmmm, that is interesting - my relationship with my parents is... erm not great!” How many people do you know who are truly happy, blissful and joyful to be around and then if asked about their parents/caregivers will not have a kind word to say about them? I haven’t met anyone yet. This article is aimed to best assist you on your journey, broken down to three simple steps on how to Wake Up! Go Big, & Live Extraordinarily! The story you tell yourself is like carrying a bag of bricks My story...My mum died when I was nine years old and I wasn’t worthy enough for her to stay much less live. I felt unworthy. So what happens when you carry around something like this? Well, it’s not great I can tell you! • Insecurity, which ultimately will affect your business. If you are not secure your business is not secure as the business is just an extension of yourself. • Financial success, yet left unfulfilled as this story/burden is haunting you consciously or unconsciously. Which keeps you from happiness. • You never really get to express who you really are and don’t show up as the biggest version of yourself. Think of one time in your life where you felt like you hurt someone, felt guilty about a situation, or where you may have blamed yourself and write it down. When you understand the power of universal law, you will see that you can’t have a negative without a positive. The story we tell ourselves is running in the background and dictates our decisions unconsciously. 49