Business Fit Magazine October 2019 Issue 2 | Page 4

Publisher & Founder Verónica Sosa Business Fit International Travel - p28 Tindog Tacloban - Putting Things in Perspective Claire Morley FEATURES Advisory Board Viola Edward Vikki Thomas Neli Vazquez Rowland p14 Audrey Barbier- Litvak p38 Well Being and Burnout Nova Reid p10 4 Proven Practices for Guaranteed Success In Business Amy Throw p24 Relational Capital: Together is Better Verónica Sosa p44 The Relationship You Have with Your Parents Alex Roseman p48 REACH OUT For information on advertising or placing an article in Business Fit Contact us: Email: hello@businessfitmagazine. com [email protected] Phone: +32 468 218 887 Creating Teams and Moving Towards Success Ismael Cala p6 General Editorial Coordinator Claire Morley Art and Design Director Leo Collier Bett Graphic Designer Adverts Javier Sanchez International Business Expansion MaLish p20 The Power of PR Stunts Jacqueline Camacho- Ruiz p34 Contributors Alex Roseman Amy Throw Gabriela Rodil Ismael Cala Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz Lilli Rohde Maike Benner Nova Reid Victoria Bengtsson What’s Holding You Back & Ideas that Can Propel you Forward Gabriela Rodil p8 Let your Carrot Brand You Victoria Bengtsson p12 Social Media Team Cristina Aguayo Rub Diaz Copyright © 2019 by Verónica Sosa. All rights reserved. This Magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. 4 M-20318-2017 5