Business Fit Magazine October 2019 Issue 2 | Page 38

Interview Who are you? Audrey Barbier-Litvak Seize every opportunity that arises, without fear As General Manager for Southern Europe, Audrey Barbier-Litvak is passionate about innovation and was inspired by the mission of WeWork. Not only do they create collaborative workspaces, they are also involved with refugee initiative, mentorship programmes and accelerator labs. Here she tells us more about WeWork and how workspaces are changing. 38 This year, we opened our first location in Brussels I am the General Manager for Southern Europe at WeWork, based in Paris. WeWork is a global community platform which provides its members around the world with space, community, and services through both physical and virtual offerings. From startups and freelancers to small businesses and Fortune 500 companies, our community is spread across 111 cities and is home to over 527,000 members. stride, encouraging both my teams as well as my children to seize every opportunity that arises, without fear. I believe if you harness your energy to reach goals instead of obsessing about what could go wrong, you will be surprised at how much you can achieve! I feel very fortunate to be living and working in my home city, and it’s great to have Paris as the base for our Southern Europe headquarters. I grew up in this city with my parents and two younger brothers and went to school locally. Having initially studied Law, I decided to change my career path and went on to achieve a Masters in Marketing and I developed a real love for digital marketing. In between pursuing my career within this industry, I had four children (including twins!) before joining several e-commerce companies, including Rocket Internet where I met my current manager, Anthony Yazbeck, Managing Director, Internal Operations, who introduced me to WeWork. I’ve always recognised the importance of maintaining a balanced professional and personal life and am grateful for the flexibility I have with my job at WeWork which has allowed me to make time to spend with my family. At work, I make sure to engage with the WeWork community and join in our events which are provided for the members –and employees– in our buildings. I’ve found myself join lunch and learn sessions, and even spent my mornings at some of our yoga classes. It’s also been great to see so many of our members get involved in our events, especially our large enterprise members, who make up 40 percent of WeWork’s global community. They participate with entrepreneurs as well as members from smaller companies, and it’s been fantastic to watch these different business groups interact. These events allow me to reset and take time out of my day to concentrate on myself as well as maintain my concentration; my days at work can be very busy! From the moment I set foot in a WeWork, I knew it was something I wanted to be part of. I was also inspired by the mission of the company. Anthony hired me to join as General Manager of Southern Europe, and not only have I been impressed by how much of a difference WeWork is making in the world, be it through the collaborative workspaces, refugee initiative, mentorship programmes or accelerator labs, but also the dedication demonstrated by WeWork employees. I’ve met incredible people since joining the company: working across different cultures and countries has led me to new teams across the business and to learn new ways of working. It’s been an incredible journey so far, and I look forward to continuing our growth across the region: in September this year, we opened our first location in Brussels and I can’t wait to build our community there. What is the single best piece of business advice which helped shape who you are now? The best piece of advice I have received is that “fear doesn’t prevent danger”, which I apply to both my professional and personal life. It helps reset my mind to not be afraid of taking risks and has allowed me to chart an exciting career path so far. I have definitely taken this notion in my Does “Balance” in life exist for you? How do you achieve it? If you were in the jungle what kind of animal would you be and why? I feel very strongly about female leadership and empowerment. We recently found that within the WeWork global community, 39 percent of all senior roles (executives, senior managers, managers and sole proprietors) at WeWork member companies are held by women, compared to 24 percent of those roles held by women globally. I think being a woman in my role as GM has helped inspire my team and other women in the WeWork community, too. With this in mind, I would be a lioness; combining tenacity, female power, strength and determination. For me, a pride of lions represents our strong community –both members and employees– at WeWork, demonstrating complex teamwork, strategic planning and that sense of community and belonging. I also love the idea of being ruler of the jungle, but I think that’s my ambitious streak revealing itself! 39