Business Fit Magazine October 2019 Issue 2 | Page 26

Mindset & Emotion ON our business while simultaneously working in our business. If we don’t, at some point, our funnel will be empty. Here are four proven strategies to work ON your business for ultimate success: 1. Block time in your calendar weekly to cultivate new relationships. 30% of your time should be devoted to business building. Make phone calls, send thank you notes to current clients, ask for referrals, get out of your office and network. 2 . Make a personal connection with prospects. In our current state of the world, the personal touch is disruptive and it pays dividends over time. Pick up the phone, send handwritten notes or interesting articles. The point is to make it personal and they'll remember you. You can send emails and text messages and post to social media- but in the ever-increasing world of technology, the power of authentic relationships trumps all. When was the last time you received a handwritten note? How did you feel when you did? 3. Block time into your daily calendar for business Now take that “consuming thought” place it in the chest and lock it. You can come back it when you want to. But now, the negative thoughts and feelings are locked up and have no more control over your day. This simple strategy has helped my clients stay focused on the business of growing their business- feelings no longer drive the business, the entrepreneur drives it. The secret to success is found in our daily routines. Take your first step to ultimate success today! * Carol S. Dweck , PhD, MINDSET, The New Psychology of Success, 2016 Ballantine Books What mindset runs your "mental operating system"? creation - program development- anything that will help you serve more clients in the future. A slow steady trickle of this activity will help your business grow. It is not rocket science but many fail to attend to these matters. 4. Manage your thoughts or they will manage you - have you ever gotten through most of the day and realised that you spent 70% of your time on busy work - cleaning your office, responding to emails, sending emails - but realised you did not actually accomplish the top three actions on your goals list? Perhaps you were avoiding the critical actions because you were frustrated with a co- worker, puzzled by a prospect or worn out from family challenges. These thoughts consumed your mind preventing you from achieving your goals. Use the control chest technique Your feelings should never drive the train of your daily actions. To help you manage your feelings, try my “control chest” thought experiment. Imagine a beautiful small chest with a lid and lock. Amy Throw is a serial entrepreneur, executive coach, speaker, strategic 26 thinking partner and confidante to women executives, entrepreneurs, and companies who value women in leadership. She is the creator of Full Circle 7, a comprehensive, holistic approach to Executive Presence that concentrates on seven key elements that encompass leadership and character potential.