Business Fit Magazine October 2019 Issue 2 | Page 24

Mindset & Emotion If you're anything like other entrepreneurs I’ve coached, you are constantly working in your business. Creating programs and products, delivering services, managing finances, leading a team and much more. Sometimes you feel successful and believe your work has significance. Other times you’re overwhelmed, overworked, and discouraged. If you desire less overwhelm and more joy, more success and deeper significance, you’re on the right page! As a seasoned entrepreneur and business coach, I'm delighted to reveal two mindset shifts and four proven strategies that have powerfully impacted my clients’ businesses. To expand your success and achieve deeper significance in life and work, follow these practices. Choose the right mindset First, assess your perspective. Reading "Mindset" by renown psychologist, Carol Dweck five years ago changed my life. Her research shows that our mindset, not just our abilities and talents, bring us success. According to Dweck*, success in any area of life can be dramatically improved by how we THINK about our efforts. Entrepreneurs with a fixed mindset believe their efforts don't make much difference because results are predetermined. Another hallmark of a fixed mindset is looking at every situation through the lens of "success or failure". Fixed mindsets create an urgency to prove yourself over and over. Fixed mindsets keep us stuck. On the other hand, entrepreneurs with growth mindsets believe basic qualities can be cultivated through our efforts and that we can change and grow through application and experience. A passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it even when things get tough is a hallmark of a growth mindset. What mindset runs your "mental operating system"? Be honest with yourself, is it fixed or growth oriented? By consciously, consistently choosing a growth mindset, you will grow, learn and evolve as an entrepreneur and as a result, so will your business. You and you alone have the power to choose your mindset, behaviour, and results. Choose wisely, choose often and commit. Two Subtle Shifts and four proven practices for guaranteed success and significance in business and beyond 24 Second, ask yourself, am I working on or in my business? Working IN your business means delivering your services/products, managing your team, paying your taxes. You get the drift. Working ON the business includes activities that keep your funnel of new business full. As busy entrepreneurs, we must be vigilant in working 25