Business Fit Magazine November 2019 Issue 2 | Page 54

Mindset & Emotion Diversity and Self-Awareness: Internationally recognised coach and leadership development expert, Barbara Dalle Pezze, believes the next level of growth and transformation is achieved by being open to diversity. Through being open to seeing things differently, we can grow and evolve I was asked what is, in my opinion, the next level of growth and transformation. I believe it is to be open to diversity, honour it, be questioned by it, learn to engage with it and when possible integrate it into our life. A Path to Growth and Transformation When we honour diversity, we give ourselves an opportunity to expand the way we know, feel and interpret ourselves and our life. Diversity exposes us to something new that we probably never thought of, and it puts us in a position of power and responsibility towards ourselves and our life because we can choose what to do with ‘the new’ that the diverse puts in front of us. By being open to what’s different, by engaging and interacting with it, we give ourselves a chance to move beyond a limited and limiting way of thinking and being that interprets the diverse as a threat. That which is different from me, my culture, my world, my way of thinking and living, is often perceived, consciously or unconsciously, as a threat. When we interact with what’s different, we are exposed to ways of being and living which might put our own way of being and living into question. And that’s scary and uncomfortable. We prefer to be validated in the way we are and choose to be. We don’t like to be questioned about it. But if we want to grow and evolve as human beings, we need to endure the discomfort of being questioned, and learn how to transform that discomfort into a force that propels us into a path of personal growth and transformation. To be questioned by diversity gives us an opportunity to discover more about ourselves, who we are and what we really want in life. Diversity is a life opener to those who dare to take a chance and risk going beyond their comfort zone. We cannot, however, authentically honour the diversity others bring to us if we don’t first recognise, appreciate and honour ourselves in our own diversity, which is in fact our uniqueness. We are complex and sophisticated creatures, and to really be free to engage and grow by being in dialogue with diversity, we need to devote time and energy to discover who we are and how we function from the inside out. Our reality is complex and the clearer we are about our own inner world, the more we become capable of creating a happier life, full of possibilities and opportunities, not limited by experiences and memories of the past, but open to all possibilities the future brings. We need to learn to become transparent to ourselves. When I am transparent to myself, I know who I am, my talents and shortcomings, I know what moves me, what I react to, my limiting beliefs and my empowering beliefs. I know what I value and why, what’s important to me and why, what motivates me and what holds me back. I know how to master myself and how to be the best version of myself. By becoming transparent to myself I become free to appreciate myself and others. I am not led by my emotions because I know how to manage them, I know where they come from, how I create them and how I can leverage them. When I am transparent to myself and honour myself, I am not afraid of what others think of me, I don’t keep comparing myself and my life to the life of others, perhaps suffering because I judge their life better than mine. When I am clear about myself, I am comfortable in my own skin, I am aware of my choices and I know I am free to change and create a different reality for myself, should I so decide. What can we do, then, to begin a journey of self-discovery, learn to become transparent to ourselves and be free to honour and be enriched by diversity? We start by quieting our mind and listening attentively to those inner whispers we tend to ignore. We learn to pay attention to what’s happening inside of us. We learn to recognise our own emotions and our own thoughts, and this means that we learn to notice, see, feel, distinguish the components of our inner world. We can begin by asking ourselves three questions: How am I feeling right now? Which three words describe my emotions today? How are my feelings influencing my thoughts and behaviours? Let’s take some time during the day to check in with ourselves. Paying attention, listening and becoming aware will centre us and open us to an amazing journey of growth and transformation. Barbara Dalle Pezze, Ph.D., is an internationally recognised coach and 54 leadership development expert with over 18 years of global experience. Women CEOs and Senior Executives of Fortune 500 companies hire her to help them expand their potential and elevate the quality of their life and impact as leaders. Barbara is passionate about transforming the conversation about women, diversity and inclusion. - [email protected] 55