Business Fit Magazine November 2019 Issue 2 | Page 38

Body Remembering the Bliss of Pre-Natal Innocence Watsu practitioner and massage therapist. Michael de Glanville, looks at the connections between our relationship with water and the memories we have as a developing embryo being totally immersed in the amniotic fluid contained in the mother’s uterus. There exists deep in the somatic core of the human psyche, a fond memory of immersion in water as being a sustaining, life giving environment and a sensual, gentle, gravity free support. Human origins were aquatic before the evolutionary transition to survival on dry land. Our primal cellular organisms were water borne and obtained nourishment from the oxygen component of the water in which they were immersed. Water has an energy which can calm us or vitalise us. Some love to dip quietly into cool country pools; others will frisk, vital and lively, under natural tumbling cascades of mountain stream water or swim wild and free in the sea. Who does not delight to live in view of the ever-changing blues and moods of the waves by the seashore? Recognised or not, the fluid, sensual nature of the water is there. The attraction of the water’s energy is tangible. Our bodies are touched, caressed and comforted by it, even if we are not immersed in it. 38 39