Business Fit Magazine November 2019 Issue 2 | Page 16

Spirituality don’t serve you. By the age of 35, 95% of who we are is a memorised set of behaviours, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hard wired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions, which function like a computer program. So, a person can say with 5% of the conscious mind they are using daily; I am happy, I am healthy, but your body is saying something completely different. Our body is 100% responding to our thoughts. THINK YOURSELF TO Happiness Transformation Coach, Elena Sharanhovich, believes we can use our thoughts to change our state of mind to one of happiness. Our body responds to our thoughts, if we can stop dwelling on the past and change our thought patterns, it will help us achieve happiness. Do you believe in the idea that the way you think has some effect on your life? It was my “AHA” moment; the life I am living today is a result of my past thinking. As soon as I realised that my thoughts create my reality, my life started shifting completely. After resting my brain for 17 long years in the beauty industry, working with my hands, I started transforming first my own life and then the lives of others as a coach. Did you know that the average person has 60- 70 thousand thoughts a day and 90% of those thoughts are the same as the day before? Thinking is one of our habits and we humans are the architects of our habits. 16 You wake up in the morning and start to focus on your problems, while your problems are circuit memories from the brain, each one of them connected to people, things and certain times and places. Each one of those memories has an emotion. Our emotion is the product of our past experiences. The moment when you recall those memories you feel sad, you feel pain, or you could feel very happy, depending on the memory you connect with. So, how you think and how you feel creates your state of being, and if you choose to focus on your familiar past, sooner or later it will be your predictable future. Then you go through a series of routine behaviours: checking social media accounts as soon as you open your eyes and collecting bad news from all over the world, going to work the same way, having the same unconscious meaningless conversations with the same people, which pushes the same emotional buttons… which becomes a routine/neural pathway in your mind. You program your subconscious mind with your habitual behaviours and old routines which I challenge you, for next seven days, just to observe your thinking patterns. Does dwelling on the past help you to create your happy future? Follow this simple formula and remember: Furthermore, a lot of people are living most of their lives in a state of stress, where the brain and body are out of balance. However, if you are experiencing this all day, triggered by your perceptions of your daily duties; your colleagues’ opinions; your partner’s actions; your friends or children and your stress response is permanently turned on fight/flight mode, in the long term, this will make you ill. No organism in nature can live in emergency/ survival mode for a long time. Emotions created by biochemical stress and connected to our survival instinct are: anger, aggression, fear, anxiety, worry, pain, suffering, guilt, shame, jealousy. If you constantly connect to something negative which happened six months ago or six years ago, you are conditioning your body to stay in a state of fear, it is programmed subconsciously. If you are still angry about something which happened to you ten years ago, it simply means you didn’t learn or change since that time. It is a scientifically proven fact that biochemicals of stress inhibit your immune system, making you vulnerable to disease. We can create a stress response by one thought, meaning our thoughts can make us sick. So, if it’s possible our thoughts can make us sick, could they make us well and happy? Absolutely! Meditation is a magic tool to change the operating system of your mind and could improve your mental and emotional health. Most people wait for something dramatic to happen in their life before they change; trauma, loss, illness, tragedy. Why wait? You can choose to learn and change in a state of suffering or in a state of love and happiness. The same thoughts lead to the same choices The same choices lead to the same emotions The same emotions create the same experiences The same experience produces the same behaviour and creates your life Elena Sharanhovich Transformation Coach, founder of Space for Success Academy and Property Investor. My mission is to empower people, so they need less things outside of themselves and start using more the power that we all have within to make us happy, to live a peaceful life, to feel more connected to each other and be the best version of themselves. 17