Business Fit Magazine November 2019 Issue 2 | Page 18

Mindset & Emotion Those Who Don’t Find Themselves Inside, Are Lost OUTSIDE Happiness is inward, and not outward A specialist in personal development and mindful exponential leadership, Ismael Cala, explains the importance of supporting our happiness with experiences, not with belongings. In the course of life, there are occasions in which “having” stands above “being”. That is, we become more concerned with the material goods we have or accumulate than with enjoying quality time for ourselves or with our loved ones.   That’s when I usually question and tell people: what is the meaning of having so much money if you don’t have the time, people, or disposition to enjoy it? Or what is worse, what if you have so many material things, but you don’t have the physical and mental health to take advantage of it?   When we see “having” as the purpose, and not as the means to reach our goals, we enter into a lost career of accumulating more and more material objects which do not fill our existential void at all.   As Henry Van Dyke said, “Happiness is inward, and not outward; and so, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are”. Real prosperity is not in your belongings, but in your experiences.   Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, from the Department of Psychology at the University of California, defines happiness as “an experience of well-being that is associated with a deep satisfaction and sense of vital purpose”. The psychologist Martin Seligman says that the concept we have of happiness is deeply connected to how satisfied we are with our lives.   This is achieved thanks to three key points: the positive emotions which emanate from enjoyment; enjoyment or comfort, the pleasure that generates us to perform certain activities and the satisfaction that comes from using our personal skills to generate the greater good.   An activity as simple and powerful as helping someone in need can make a difference, it builds a magical moment and becomes an experience which elevates our level of well-being. This is not my theory, it has been scientifically proven.   If it is so simple, why is it so difficult for us to implement it? In our events like Secretos del Bambú (Bamboo Secrets), the goal is to practice meditation and mindfulness to find our vital centre, those who don’t find themselves inside, are lost outside! Support your happiness with experiences, not with belongings. What is the meaning of having money if you don’t have the time to enjoy it? Ismael Cala is a life and business strategist, best-selling author, and 18 international speaker specialising in personal development and mindful exponential leadership. The New York Times identified him as “the Latino Larry King”. He is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), USA. Founder and president of CALA Enterprises Corporation - focusing on leadership, mindfulness, happiness, productivity, and excellence. 19