Business Fit Magazine March 2019 Issue 2 | Page 22
Irmela Neu
It is not possible not to communicate – we
communicate: by movements, physical expressions,
with our body; by talking, when we are quiet, with
our language. with spirituality. “Spiritus” in Latin means to be
connected by breathing in and out. The flow
between these centres provides cooperation
between belly, heart and brain.
How can we empower our
communication? By merging our different powers it helps
to give us good intuition and spontaneous
impressions. An existing good flow gives us
the security we can trust our intuition, because
we are confident it will guide us harmoniously.
We should remember that mistakes are also
learning opportunities, because the creation
of harmony is a lifelong process.
How do you communicate with yourself? We
have a constant inner dialogue. Sometimes,
it as an inner voice: “first, you have to do this,
then this” or “Oh, my god, I have forgotten to
send an e-mail…”. We may discover that we
simply reproduce what our parents said to us
when we were a child. Maybe we only received
attention as a reward for “good” behaviour.
Only by doing what our mother, father or other
adult wanted, did we have proof we had been
a “good child”. For the younger generation, it is
not only parents but also what they are told by
social media.
The consequence of this pattern is that the
inner voice, the inner self is guided exclusively
by what other people want or what they think
you should do. Our life can be conditioned by
the desire to be “a part of” the family or peer
group, but then where is our inner self?
While we may be tempted to listen to others,
we also need to challenge them. Do you really
agree with what is being said? Do you really
want this? This is not to say our brain should
control us at all times, it means that our three
centres of power should work together. Yoga,
the martial arts, Tai Chi etc. teach us we have
three centres of power: the under, vital Dantien
(the Chinese expression) or Hara (the Indian
expression), the heart Dantien in the middle
and the upper Dantien at the level of the third
eye. The aim of physical exercise is to ensure a
flow between these three centres
Through the vital centre, we are connected
with the earth and life, by our heart with a
more universal dimension and by our third eye
Going back to our inner voice: Why is it so
important? The answer is clear, but not simple:
How we communicate with ourselves is how
we communicate with others. Only what
comes from our heart has the power to reach
others, to strengthen what we really want from
our heart.
Do you ever experience what you want from
the bottom of your heart? Try this exercise:
choose a moment of silence, close your eyes,
think about your heart, feel that it beats day
and night, serving our life constantly. Honour
it. Ask your heart, what it needs to be happy……
Open your eyes and ask yourself if you really
give your heart by your actions, what it wants.
His voice is gentle, delicate. His advice is
powerful. It leads us to a balance between what
we think, feel and do. Powerful coordination is
the secret of powerful communication.
Our three centres of
power should work