Business Fit Magazine March 2019 Issue 1 | Page 44

Mindset & Emotion "Conscious Connected Breathing can entice us to voyage far into the realm of being, often beyond mere words. The pure heart of the universe beating in harmony with the voice of the soul, dancing and flowing with the self, while listening to the song of the spirit. Powerful recognition that life itself is a gift of different sounds and rhythms, some of them so simply sweet, though others are more complicated to accept. If we keep breathing, thinking and acting in this conscious connected way, we will reach the most precious gift of all, the acceptance of what is". Viola 1999 Recently, a dear friend had her first Conscious Connected Breathing Session. She was thrilled with the experience and for days she was talking about and sharing it. It was such a pleasure to explain the phenomena of the process to her for several days in a row. It reminded me of a very similar feeling I had in the early nineties during my first session. I felt in love with the kindness and joy of reconnecting with my own energy fully through my own breath…no interference from any outside source…just me and the rhythm of my breath, a sitter beside me, confidently holding the space for me with her presence and experienced knowledge about Breathwork…No pushing, no massaging, no incense, no music, just me and the breath. My Breathwork Love Story… Viola Edward I felt so empowered and immediately understood my place and my power, distinct from the domain of the breathworker, who was there, but was not the one creating the process. It was I, following the basic instructions of conscious connected breathing and feeling safe that a well-trained person was beside me. This is what I was told would happen and this is what it was. going through. It was a time in my life that I was ready for a change and here it was. I fell in love with the breathwork methodology and began searching for the source. I went to the USA to train with Leonard Orr, the founder of “Conscious Connected Breathing”, also known as “Rebirthing”, at his "Inspirational University” and, as I am a very lucky person, I also had the honour to be trained by another pioneer breathworker, Toni Lo Mastro and his team in the Philadelphia Rebirthing Centre. Since then, I have taken Breathwork to another area of my life. With my background in Business, I introduced breathing to the Business World with the extraordinary consultant Neida Guasamucare. She trained me to be a consultant and I trained her to be a breathworker. Peer mentoring is pure wisdom if it's done with an open heart and mind. Then, with my sister Layla, who also trained with the same team that I was trained with in Philadelphia, we created and taught our own training programs in Caracas at our company 'Centro Rebirthing de Venezuela'. and then evolved out onto the international platform. I fell in love with the breathwork methodology My, oh my, that was powerful, an hour or so of steady breathing, with an energy in my lungs that I didn’t know I had (I had been a chain smoker for fourteen years). The wisdom of my inner self simply let go and I gratefully surrendered to what I was 44 45