Business Fit Magazine March 2019 Issue 1 | Page 28

Body you neck going over the top of your head and coming back down through the forehead and then the nose continuing to your palate. Now with the tip of your tongue touching the ceiling of your mouth, bring this energy down through your throat, chest and then your abdomen, returning it to the perineum. Continue repeating this orbit while you breathe. Feel free to do seven orbits or as many as you wish, maybe setting a time of three minutes or more. " Traditional Chinese Medicine is vast and of deep wisdom " For TCM, the Eight Extraordinary Vessels represent the body’s deepest level of energetic structuring. These meridians are the first to form in uterus and are carriers of the ancestral energy which corresponds to our genetic inheritance. TCM is vast and of deep wisdom, as a patient, it is important to be present and relaxed during the treatment. It is better to feel it, rather than to learn cognitively about it. 28 We can all benefit from the type of exercise I share below with you. MICROCOSMIC ORBIT Exercise Sit with your back straight and your feet comfortably on the floor, close your eyes and breathe. Focus on the soft spot between the anus and your genitals which is called the perineum. Imagine the energy coming from your perineum running up your back and up to The Microcosmic Orbit exercise is conceived as an energising process through using your focus, attention, intention and breathing. While your focus and intention is on your back, you are energising the Governing Vessel “Du Mai”, and when it is on the front of your body, you are energising the Conception Vessel “Ren Mai”. It might interest you to know about the Diagnostic Methods: Since TCM practitioners learn and believe that illness occurs when something blocks or unbalances our Qi. The purpose is to unblock or influence Qi and help it flow back into balance. Pathological changes inside the human body are reflected externally as abnormalities of the following: 1. complexion, 2. emotions, 3. appearance of the tongue or 4. pulse irregularities You may wonder how TCM may be able to help you: • • • It can speed up improvement on a specific area which is painful - foot, hand, neck etc It can stabilise the function of an organ In order to give treatment, I follow the guidelines of this millenary practice, along with my experience. Each case for me is unique and therefore needs to be studied as such and the treatment prepared and designed for that specific case. Some of the benefits of TCM: • • • Lowers inflammation Reduces chronic pain Improves health In order to have a taste of TCM, try this Qi Gong exercise. It is used for the purpose of developing stability, centering and for strengthening your legs, waist and back. • • • • • Stand up, right where you are. Separate your feet from each other (the width of your shoulders). Bend your knees slightly. Hold your hands open out in front of your chest, arms in a circle, palms facing inwards. And breathe with your eyes open, looking through your fingers. Inspiring in the Present is my slogan and it is about being present and learning through our own experience, feeling whatever we are reading about, and for these reasons I include exercises in this article. To me it is greatly satisfying to see the improvements on my patients’ health week after week and knowing through reports or messages how well each of them is feeling. It can help to mitigate a soft headache or deeper yet a migraine Layla Edward. Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncturist) practitioner, International Breathwork Trainer, Psychotherapist, Personal and Business Mentor, Birth Coach, Dancer. NLP. Based in Cyprus and Venezuela, her practical experience shows her that by integrating the past and living in the present moment, an internal state of peace and self-satisfaction can be reached, which is fundamental in recuperating the capacity of joy and holistic health! 29