Business Fit Magazine March 2019 Issue 1 | Page 24

Spirituality If there is a disharmony between what we think, want and say, we get a bad feeling. Nice words are only efficient, if they really come from the heart. If not, we feel we are being manipulated into doing what someone else wants or expects. For leaders and managers, it is not enough to attend a seminar about empathetic communication, that is just the beginning, you need to balance yourself. Sometimes it is necessary to make decisions which hurt others, then it is important to speak honestly and explain the reasoning behind the decision. Harmony is like a game between empathy and distance; being open-minded and reserved; to talk and be quiet. Fairness and respect are key to yourself and to others. They are the flow between our three intelligences. “Our thinking has to go through our heart” said a classical author in the 19th century. What a visionary viewpoint. In our hectic times, it is a real challenge. Let’s follow this path. Women may be more open minded, so let’s experience this powerful way of communication which comes from the heart. The creation of harmony is a lifelong process Prof. Dr. Irmela Neu from the University of Applied Sciences, Munich/ 24 Germany, specialised in Intercultural Communication in Spain and Latin America and has been published in this field. She has worked with UNESCO in the field of Education. She focuses on seminars in Mindful Communication and in body- based teachings to open our heart, combined with Mindful Communication. Her message: Life is lovely.