Business Fit Magazine July 2019 Issue 3 | Page 58

Mindset & Emotion 4. Eat, Sleep to Be Merry You’d have to be living under a rock to not know how important proper eating and sleep is to overall health and success. Quality of food and sleep will affect your health, mood, energy, productivity, and creativity. Want to be successful? Eat cleaner, whole foods and less processed food and sugar. Reduce screen time (TV, phone, ereader) thirty minutes before bed to fall asleep and stay asleep, and get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Humans are social creatures, even introverts. That doesn’t mean you have to go large events or parties. You can get the benefits of interacting with others by having lunch or coffee with a friend, or attending local events such as through your Chamber of Commerce. 5. Practice Self-Care Humans are social creatures Working at home is awesome, but for some, it can be more stressful, especially if you’re a freelancer or business owner without a regular salary. To reduce stress as well as maintain motivation and creativity, take time each day to nurture yourself. Exercise is one way to take care of yourself. Other ideas include indulging in a hobby, spending time with friends or family, taking a bath, and even taking a nap. Don’t underestimate the power of fun and play either. Doing something fun that you love can go a long way to boosting morale, energy, creativity, and productivity. 6. Get Out of the House Taking a daily walk is a great way to get out of the house and breathe in the fresh air. But also consider a day away. Spending too much time in your home office can lead to boredom, low energy, and burnout. Take time each day to nurture yourself Many work-at-home options offer some level of portability. Take advantage of that by going to work at your library, local java joint, or even the park. 7. Be Social Working at home can lead to feelings of isolation. On the other hand, being with others can not only improve your mood, but also you can get feedback, ideas, commiserate (if they work at home too), or simply have fun. Leslie Truex has been helping people work from home since 1998 through 58 her website She is an author and speaker on topics related to telecommuting, home business, blogging, writing, and publishing, and has been featured as a work from home expert in Redbook, Working Mother Magazine, and more. 59