Business Fit Magazine July 2019 Issue 3 | Page 32

Body The Extraordinary Power of Being You Director of the International Human Design School, Lynda Bunnell, explains how we can find our way back to the beautiful expression of who we are uniquely designed to be and achieve our fullest potential We are born to differentiate and to be a unique expression of the whole. And, we are born with all the tools we need to live our lives uniquely as ourselves. There is an exhilarating freedom in loving your life and loving who you are. If so, then why are there so many unhappy and frustrated people in the world today? How many people do you know don’t feel they’re living the life that’s right for them? Do you have everything you thought you needed to be happy, but somehow you still aren’t? Parents only want the best for their children, to help them live happy and successful lives. Unknowingly our parents, siblings, peers, teachers, religion and culture teach us to behave in a homogenised fashion. Slowly, but surely, we are taught to conform, to be more like the others and follow a pattern of behaviour which fits nicely into the idea of ‘the norm.’ After a lifetime of trying to become more like this one or that one, how do you find your way back to the beautiful expression of who you are uniquely designed to be? 32 It’s about unlearning and letting go of all the things you were taught to be, or what you think you should be, that are not YOU. You can learn to be aware of how your own inner authority, your body’s innate intelligence, can help you discover the life you’re meant to live. You have a deep inner wisdom waiting to be uncovered which can help you course-correct your life and reveal the path to your highest potential. It may sound simple; however, it does take some time and awareness to undo years of conditioning. What if you had a personalised user-manual for life, your life? What if there was a system based on your unique DNA that contained a profound knowledge allowing you to self-discover the truth of who you really are? Would that be worth experimenting with? Discovering the truth of who you really are can transform your life at any age. I was a successful businesswoman in my early forties. As a successful and well-established businesswoman in Southern California in the 1990’s, I thought I had achieved everything anyone was supposed to need to be happy. Yet, I wasn’t. There was a huge disconnect between what my mind thought and my own inner truth. And, no amount of exploration through a multitude of self-discovery systems had succeeded in making that connection or filled the void deep inside of me. And then a new chapter began in 1998 while vacationing in southern Spain. My travelling companion, a spiritual seeker like myself, had brought some cassette tapes with her, describing a whole new system for personal transformation. We listened as we roamed the hillsides in our car. Little did I know that this man’s amazing encounter while on a tiny island in the Mediterranean – only a few miles from where we were at the time – would turn my life upside down and inside out. The man’s name was Ra Uru Hu and he was speaking about The Human Design System. Since then, as I’ve surrendered to my inner wisdom, life has taken me in unexpected directions to satisfying destinations I couldn’t have dreamed of for myself. Human Design has not only shown me why my early successes in life had left me feeling empty, it set me on a unique path that has brought me to a fulfilling, challenging and satisfying life; and to the writing of The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation. Human Design reveals many things, including important innate personal guidance tools we possess. Here are four of them: Type and Strategy is your mode of operating in the world, which is how best to interact on a day-to-day basis, putting you in your natural flow of life and with others around you. Your Personal Authority is how best to make decisions. The importance of making decisions that are correctly aligned with your body’s innate intelligence cannot be underestimated. Who you Are and Are Not is about what you can rely upon. Once we know ourselves, and how we are uniquely designed, the self-doubt, shame, and comparison to others ends. Your Profile is how you present yourself to the world. We are beautifully unique and knowing our profile and the profile of those we love, helps to deepen our personal self-acceptance, self-love and the love and appreciation of others. Like me, thousands have found their own truth by stepping onto the path of this journey. Once you too, begin to grasp your uniqueness, and to understand you aren’t designed to be like anyone else, you will experience the exhilarating freedom of living the person you were born to be. It’s never too late for you to start living the fullest expression of who you are – personally and professionally. Through Human Design I was given a renewed sense of who I am, and how to align my life with my passion and motivation to help others make the same changes in their lives. During all those years of working a ‘job’ I never had a clue how satisfying life could be when who we are is aligned with what we do. My dream is for people to reach their fullest potential by aligning themselves with their true self and lifework; by understanding their strengths, talents and gifts; and by having practical tools that will bring all that they are forward into the world. My goal is that individuals and businesses discover how to work in a way that is harmonious and successful, so that we can each have a real opportunity to live a balanced life on all levels. The value of the ripple effect this has on our children, family, friends and the world is incalculable. How can you discover the truth of how truly extraordinary and powerful you are? You can start by becoming aware of how you make decisions in your life. • • • • • Are you constantly thinking about what you should do or what others think you should do? Do you frequently compare yourself to others? Do you have a feeling that you aren’t worthy? Are frustration, bitterness, anger or disappointment showing up as a result of your decision-making? Or, do you make your decisions from a place deep inside of you that simply ‘knows’ what to do – your own inner authority? To start you on your path to self-discovery order a free Personalised Human Design Report here: Lynda Bunnell is the Director of the International Human Design School, and the BG5 Business Institute. Working closely with the founder since 1999, she was one of the first to begin teaching the public about Human Design. “Each time I teach Human Design I am in awe of the magic and transformation it brings to the lives it touches.” and - 33