Business Fit Magazine July 2019 Issue 2 | Page 42

Spirituality 6th century BC called the Taittiriya Upanishad. In it, the concept is that we have five aspects to our full self: body, energy, mind, wisdom and spirit. These aspects are called “koshas” which can be translated from Sanskrit as either a ‘pocket’ or a ‘sheath’. The implication is that we are like Russian dolls - the innermost aspect is the True Self covered over, or in the pocket of the next, denser layer. The goal, by understanding and working with each layer is to get to a realisation that who you are is the True Self, your soul, so to speak, and not just your body or mind. 4. Energy: It moves, has different qualities These five aspects and the practice tools you would use for them, in their ‘Russian Doll’ order are: 5. Body: and states and extends around your physical body as your aura. To work with your energy, we use breath exercises such as yogic pranayamas as well as visualisation. Reiki and other energy modalities fit here. Practice: Find a teacher of “Connected Breathwork” - a powerful breathing technique which has incredible healing potential. It is a rising health trend and well worth looking into. Read more about Connected Breathwork here: breathwork What you can see and feel. What mostly people identify as themselves. We must provide it adequate sleep, clean and nutritious food and the yoga postures that you may already be familiar with. Practice: in addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, invest in yourself with a great yoga class at least three times per week. If you don’t like the first class or style or teacher, try another. There’s a style and approach for everyone. 1. Spirit: The true YOU, which is spirit. What makes up spirit are the feeling-principles of truth, bliss and love. By knowing and being identified as this, you can experience these qualities as part of your personality and perception of how your life is. There is not much you need to do with this layer other than to be in it. This becomes natural when you have attended to the following four layers. Home Practice 2. Emotions and Wisdom: An aspect of our Higher Self as intuition, the wiser choice and our gut feelings. The yoga tool here is expression and the allowing in of love, devotion and gratitude. Practice: contemplate at least five things of which you are grateful for and do it at least twice a day. Science shows that gratitude literally changes the human heart and molecular structure of the brain. Read more about this here: 3. Mind: Your conscious, rational mind and subconscious. The cognition and ego. Your monkey mind. The key is to learn how to use the mind and direct it as is best for the outcomes you want in life. For this, the tools are mantra and meditation. Practice: If you have not yet learned to meditate, make a point to find a retreat or course somewhere near you. It is an essential life skill. It is worth learning properly and even taking a retreat to immerse yourself in the practice. You will become more effective in how you apply yourself Work on who you are, and your perception needs little evidence to construe the things in your life for the positive or optimistic Once you have enough knowledge to practice on your own, for a total body-mind and heart maintenance program, we can simplify all of this as: 1. Exercise 2. Breathing practices 3. Meditation or focusing the mind on a mantra 4. Gratitude or love practices. A commitment to a well-balanced practice that considers who you are in total and doing it several times per week will begin to change your life. Not only will you be happier with your life as it is, you will also become more effective in how you apply yourself in the world around you. In future articles I will go into more detail on the techniques and theory on how to work more with each level. Stay tuned! Adrian Cox has been teaching Vinyasa Yoga and Breathing for the past 42 20 years, around the world. He founded Yoga Elements, a highly regarded school of yoga in Thailand since 2001. Now based in Japan, he continues to teach around the world and via Skype. - 43