Business Fit Magazine January 2019 Issue 1 | Page 28

Mindset & Emotion Relational Capital: Together is Better! Verónica Sosa We are constantly hearing how the social divide between the rich and poor, between those who have and those who don’t is growing wider. I think it is safe to say that a chasm has now opened up between them, making it ever harder to reach across from one side to the other. How much of this separation is down to Relational Capital? I use the term “relational capital” which I feel is best defined as “a set of all relationships – market relationships, power relationships and cooperation – established between firms, institutions and people.” (Welbourne and Pardo-del-Val, 2008). Relational capital is the network which helps people succeed, it can be personal networks 28 or on a community level, it enables people to believe they have a say in where their life’s journey is taking them. Our world has become increasingly capitalist, one percent of the population holds half the world’s wealth, with predictions that by 2030 it will increase to two- thirds. Elitists and the establishments with far greater relational capital and considerably more influence are only interested in protecting their own personal interests and development. Hoarding their relational capital and using it to keep others from accessing it and excluding ‘outsiders’ from economic opportunities. Those at the other end of the scale have started to realise their relational capital is diminishing and no longer extends beyond