Business Fit Magazine January 2019 Issue 1 | Page 6
Conquer your
and say goodbye to stress
in your business
Stefania Dalle Pezze
It was almost midnight when my body temperature
started rising again. I had the laptop on my lap, my
kids were sleeping and I was watching the videos
my mentor sent me to help me push my business
My intention to make the business thrive was
there, but my body wasn’t. It was exactly at that
moment that I realised there must be another
way to handle the huge amount of things “to-
do”, an alternative to working long hours, and -
for sure - an alternative to getting sick because
of the stress I was putting myself under.
That was the moment I learned to say no: I
couldn’t continue to operate that way and,
despite several thousand euros invested in
mentoring programs, I had to take a step back
and say no to the mentoring program.
It was hard, I felt really stupid, but it was an eye
opener. In that moment I started becoming
aware that I needed to take care of myself first
in order to be able to take care of my family
and my business. To do that I, I had to learn
how to manage time differently, prioritise and
organise better to be able to handle the daily
challenges without stress, and learn how to
manage myself differently. And so I did.
The rollercoaster started as I began
experimenting, reading books, attending
courses, applying what I was learning to my
daily life and my business… All this eventually
led to me writing my first book “Conquista
tu tiempo”, sharing it through my Spanish
podcast “Bienvenida Productividad” and my
blog, helping others to become more effective
with their time management and in handling
their feelings of being “overwhelmed”.
By going through this experience, I discovered
that there are four pillars necessary to say
goodbye to stress, improve your performance
and not be managed by time but make time
your best-friend.