Business Fit Magazine August 2017 Issue 1 | Page 13

Article 11 boss, but when he was bad-tempered or when he felt pressure from his superiors, it was better to hide or change routes not to find him in the hall. Among so many unpleasant situations, the most shocking was the day he decided to turn off the air conditioning in the offices. With his face full of rage, he stood in the middle of the offices, opened his arms and shouted, “Turn off the air conditioners now! From today all to the plant. I do not want anyone sitting at the desk. The numbers rise because they increase!” Wowwww ... I was one of those that I hope the gentleman left to not stumble in the halls. An organization grows as its leadership grows simultaneously. The second experience was with my direct manager. A man of few words, sensitive although he did not show it easily. I never remember seeing him walking with his eyes up, always downcast. When I had a meeting with the Production Director, and this was not good, my former boss sank in the chair, minimized. The day I decided to quit, it was hard for me, I loved my job, and when I sat down in front of him, I remember that I simply said, “I do not like what I see day by day. I do not like to see how they humiliate my co- workers”. You know the answer he gave me: “You do not have to give me explanations, I know what you are talking about”. Three years later, I learned that this Production Director obtained an indirect dismissal for the mistreatment of employees ... among other things. My experience reaffirms the phrase of Rodrigo Rojas, Happiness Manager of BancoEstado Microenterprises in Chile: “People do not give up on the company, give up to the bad managers”. But also, these experiences taught me how the value of Connect to create synergy, work together collaboratively. Connect to obtain a mutual benefit that integrates our partners, our customers and relevant stakeholders for our business. This connection is part of each member who leads the organization, which recognizes the need to transcend from its managerial role to its role as a leader. An organization grows as its leadership grows simultaneously. Leadership, defined by John Maxwell, is the ability to motivate groups of people towards a common goal, is an important skill in today’s business world. Without strong leadership, good businesses could fail. Many of the world’s most respected leaders have several personality traits in common. Some of the most recognizable traits are the ability to initiate changes and inspire a shared vision as well as know how to “encourage the heart” and model the skills and behaviors that are