Business First May-June 2017 Business First May 2017 | Page 58
Developing digital strategy for tourism
through collaboration and creativity
by Dr Peter Bolan, Ulster University Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
he digital world has revolutionised how
the tourist researches, plans and
increasingly how they experience their
holiday. Expectations from tourists and event
attendees continue to grow and develop
digitally as to how they obtain their
information and enhance their experience.
Ensuring we meet those digital
expectations is the key to getting visitors to
return. Our tourism and event related
organisations are continually under pressure
to develop their presence and level of
engagement on social media platforms and to
consider whether or not they should delve
into the world of mobile apps to cater to the
evergrowing appetites of those who
increasingly use their smartphone and tablet
to stay connected.
In short the key to success is about getting
‘smarter’ in terms of approach to all of this.
Harnessing social media correctly and
creatively, developing significantly
innovative, informative and immersive
mobile apps for destinations, visitor
attractions and events, and providing high
quality free wifi connectivity for visitors are
the cornerstone of what is required digitally
to not only attract today’s tourist but to
provide a meaningful experience to
encourage such visitors to return and to
recommend Northern Ireland as a destination
to others.
Ulster University Business School final year
travel and tourism and event management
students at Ulster University have recently
developed a digital strategy for the North
West 200, which will deliver a strong digital
dimension for one of Northern Ireland’s top
sporting events.
The Coleraine campus based students
designed components of the website, social
media and smartphone applications
(including creation of microvideo) to
enhance event goers’ experience.
Working closely in collaboration with
Fergus Mackay, Operations Manager of the
North West 200, the Ulster University
students used an innovative appbuilding
platform, RAPORT, which was designed by an
Ulster University researcher (John Bustard)
specifically for the tourism and events sector.
The smartphone app elements developed
by the students provides live information and
delivers updates about the North West 200
event through push notifications as well as
through new platforms such as Snapchat.
North West 200’s Fergus Mackay
commented: “Working with the Ulster
University students has been incredibly
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