Ulster University Business School Executive MBA
Ulster University Business School Executive MBA
Creating a Bright Future for Collaborative Leaders
any recent consultation documents and discussions in academia ,
Mgovernment and business alike have highlighted the need for UK businesses to create and develop an innovation and entrepreneurial culture .
This innovative culture is required to support and stimulate competitiveness in the changing global business environment . Independent studies by CMI ( 2014 ); and OECD ( 2016 ) have echoed these findings and the importance of such skills as a critical vehicle for stimulating local , national and international competitiveness .
Dr . Trevor Cadden , Executive MBA Programme Director , explains how the Ulster University Business School has helped many businesses to face business challenges through the development of innovative leaders .
“ In our own recent research at Ulster University ( 2016 ), we surveyed over 1,200 MBA graduates across sectors and business sizes on their views about the skills required by businesses to survive and compete in the changing business environment ; alongside views on the best medium to achieve such skills .
“ Our results validate previous findings of the importance of management and leadership skills in U . K . businesses to support innovation led growth . The Ulster University Business School ' s reputation and track record in delivering research informed , yet applied management and leadership skills , leaves us well positioned to address this skills gap .”
The Executive MBA at Ulster University Business School focuses very closely on developing strategic leadership skills . It also provides managers with the forum to learn together and share with each other innovative and entrepreneurial business approaches and practices .
David Reid , Global Sales & Product Manager with Sun Chemical Ltd , is one example of the talented global leaders from Northern Ireland who is currently completing his Executive MBA .
Sun Chemical Ltd is the world ’ s largest supplier of printing inks , coatings and supplies for the packaging , publication , commercial , industrial , and digital markets .
David explains how the MBA has enabled him to learn with likeminded individuals and his experience of the benefits of this connected and collaborative learning approach .
David Reid , Global Sales & Product Manager with Sun Chemical Ltd , currently studying on the Executive MBA .
Not only did the MBA provide me with the most up-to-date research and management tools and frameworks which I have applied to my business , the programme has also given me the opportunity and time out to discuss key business issues with my peers and I have benefitted from their insights and experience within a different context . David Reid
“ It is not often you have the confidence to discuss your thoughts of future opportunities and threats with figures in excess of $ 1bn with other company leaders .
“ The Business School MBA has provided me with the opportunity to meet with a wide range of industry leaders from across many business sectors . Not only did the MBA provide me with the most uptodate research and management tools and frameworks which I have applied to my business , the programme has also given me the opportunity and time out to discuss key business issues with my peers and I have benefitted from their insights and experience within a different context .”
He continues : “ The ‘ Innovation & Entrepreneurship ’ module provided a focused opportunity to explore with my peers a major concern around the future of the traditional printing industry .
“ The resulting outcomes very quickly led me to investigate long term business models in Sun Chemical and within six weeks of starting this study module , I was briefing my initial findings to company Directors .”
This shared learning approach is core to the Executive MBA to create the environment for managers to develop and integrate agile , entrepreneurial and collaborative approaches into their practice .
In addition , the supportive and flexible learning environment at Ulster University ensures that participants have access to the latest research , access to industry and academic expert networks and to be part of the wider Ulster University MBA Alumni network .
David concludes : “ The Executive MBA has given me the confidence to focus on future industry change with a skill set that encompasses experience , theoretical and practical knowledge .”
The Executive MBA is a twoyear parttime programme delivered at both Jordanstown and Magee campuses and is open to experienced managers and professionals .
Applications are now being accepted for the next programme intake which begins in September 2017 .
It is important to note that applicants do not require an undergraduate qualification as five years ’ experience at managerial level will also fulfil entry requirements . To find out more about the MBA , log on to : www . ulster . ac . uk / executivemba
52 www . businessfirstonline . co . uk